Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 9., vasárnap

Vádirat a Földért .... 1. rész--- Indictment for the Earth ....part 1

Szóval a világot a XX században sikerült mindenféle módon tönkre tennünk. Ma, csak és kizárólag a környezeti károkkal foglalkozom. Ez nagy bátorság tőlem, mert semmilyen környezetvédelmi tanulmányokat nem végeztem soha, de látok, éppen úgy, ahogy önök is látják azt amit én. A mindennapok "mókus kerekében" az ember nem is foglalkozik a környezetvédelemmel egyszerűen erre már nem jut, idő és erő. A legtöbb ember nagyvárosokban él, alig van sajnos kapcsolata a természettel.--- So we managed to destroy the world in all sorts of ways of the twentieth century. Today, only and exclusively deal with the environmental damage. It's a lot of courage from me, because I'm not done any environmental studies never, I see, just as you see it is what I do. The ubiquitous "treadmill of" one does not deal with the environment simply can not get to this time and strength. Most people live in cities, unfortunately, it has little relationship with nature.

Én mindig közel éltem a természethez egy gyönyörű helyen Magyarországon, ott ahol a Vértes hegység és a Gerecse hegység találkozik, így aztán, úgy nőttem fel, hogy teljesen természetes volt, hogy nem dobáljuk el a szemetet.Nem mérgezzük eszetlen módon a termőföldet. El kell gondolkodnunk az alábbi cikken ........... --- I have always lived close to nature in a beautiful location in Hungary, where there Vértes and Gerecse Mountains meet, so, I grew up, it was quite natural that they are not throwing away garbage. No mindless manner poison the soil. We must reflect the following article ...........

Egyszer valami napi vagy heti lap került a kezembe, ahol olvastam, hogy eltűnt a föld felszínéről a gyönyörű Aral tó. Nem akartam hinni a szememnek. Azt hittem, hogy ez valami vicc vagy beugratás. --- Once something daily or weekly newspaper I came across where I read that disappeared from the surface of the Aral lake beautiful. I could not believe my eyes. I thought it was a joke or hoax.

Valóban eltűnt a föld színéről az egykor oly hatalmas Aral tó.
A Közép- Ázsiai Aral tó eltűnése a világ egyik legnagyobb ember okozta környezeti katasztrófája Kazahsztánban. ---  Indeed it disappeared from the face of the earth the once mighty Aral Sea. 
The disappearance of the Aral Sea in Central Asia is one of the world's largest man-made environmental disaster in Kazakhstan. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz


 Az Aral-tó pusztulása és megmentési kísérletei ---And the destruction of the Aral Lake rescue attempts

One of Asia's best-known natural treasures, the Aral Lake in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan is located in the border region. Salt Lake outlet of the Caspian Sea to the east, the Turan Plain is located in one of the biggest ecological destruction and a humanitarian catastrophe of our age.

The road to disaster

In 1960, 68,900 km² expanse of the north-east-south-west axis length of 492 lakes, the maximum width was 290 kilometers, south and east bays indented coastline length amounted to 3,000 kilometers. It was an average depth of 16 meters, the deepest point is reached at 63 m depth. The lake more than 1,100 smaller or larger, a total area of 2,200 km² island was located. Today, the world's fourth largest lake was once aprózódott lots, and water levels over the past decade fell another 5 meters. But that also began in the lake agony? 

As early as the 1870s onwards, efforts have been in the desert surrounding watering a solution, barriers were erected in the Amu- and the Syr darjára, and the two river waters drain smaller channels were built practically drained them, moreover, due to poor insulation of 50-70 per cent water the arid soil can drain away. Sewerage downsides for the promotion of agricultural production at the end of the 19th century, Russian scientists have drawn attention (for example, Vojejkov climatologist AI). In the years of Soviet rule, despite this additional channel built after World War II and the work they started in Turkmenistan and Golodnaja-steppe high water demand of rice, cotton and fruit plantations solving the water supply system to establish a channel. 

Today, ships wrecked wreckage indicate a dramatic retreat of the lake.


 Although it plunged in grave danger of the Aral Sea water supply or the first ominous signs became apparent, other channels have been built as the South Golodnaja channel (11 km³ / year) and the Karsi-channel (5 km³ / year). The size of the irrigated areas of 1970 amounted to 74 thousand km²; However, the destruction of the Aral Sea had already seemed unstoppable, the salt concentration of 1960 from 9.6 to 10.3 per mille in the 1990s rose from 34 to 35 per thousand.

And what is the connection between sanitation and water level decrease? In parallel with the drainage of the lake next to the two rivers feeding (Syr Darya and Amu Darya resulting from the Pamir Mountains) is extremely water-intensive cotton planted in large quantities. In 1988, the two rivers initial amount of water had been only a fraction of the Aral Sea. For this reason, it started to decrease water volume and water surface of the lake, most of the original coastline of about 100 to 150 kilometers inland was, dehydration is contaminated with pesticides resulted in saltwater wilderness.

The once built a lakeside fishing villages were tens of kilometers of open water. The waterfront was once operated Mujnakban largest fish processing plant in the Soviet Union, now the town is only available in half-day journey to the lake. He used 44 thousand tons of fish fished here, the industry has completely collapsed, tens of thousands of jobs disappeared.

  The destruction of the Aral Sea in the process. The spectacular shrinkage as a result of 1989, the northern and southern part of the Aral Sea has been practically split in two. Later in the southern lakebed destroyed more rapidly, and by 2003 it further into two parts (east and west) is open. The South Aral Sea area has decreased dramatically during recent 6 years, the eastern lake disappeared almost completely - although it was earlier example.

The health consequences of dehydration

The lake is drying up toxic materials left behind, the wind scattered in the area. Sandstorms have become more frequent and accelerated talajszikesedés. It has been included people living in the area, animal organization, built into the food chain. Residents of the region's devastating health condition: people are malnourished and anemic. The world has the highest rate of esophageal diseases, 80 percent of cancer patients in the region suffer from this form of cancer. It believed for years, but now there is evidence that one of the causes of morbidity pesticides and herbicides used in the cotton fields of intensive use.

Dr Spencer Wells, National Geographic Society's expert, formerly of Oxford University geneticist human DNA sample taken from the population of the area, and revealed widespread genetic damage. The research concentrated on the level of the 8-OhdG signaling molecules and showed that this level samples average 3.5 times higher than in the US. This rate was five times the farmland close to the case disabilities. This molecule shows stress factors expressed in the genome, the presence of a significant increase in cancer, diabetes, and the risk of atherosclerosis.

The Aral Sea disaster can affect several generations. The genetic mutation immortalizing not only for the people living there is extremely high likelihood of cancer, but also their children and grandchildren at risk.

The current situation and the possible way out

The Uzbek government does not recognize the disaster. While the link between chemicals and the health status of people living there used cotton fields known for years, cotton production in Uzbekistan is not abandoned, as it is the country's main exports.

A positive development is that in August 2005 the Kokar dam has already been built in Kazakhstan in the north and the south take the stool in Hungary and in the northern basin so the water level rose eight feet above the negative record levels. The poor can not be achieved in Uzbekistan in the southern basin of water level increase, but if it regains its old northern basin water level, water is planned to be passed through the southern as well.

The Aral Sea is divided into three parts at the end of August 2010.

Although it seemed that the Aral Sea in 2020 virtually vanish altogether, thanks to the World Bank and Kazakh government joint efforts of the pond once again reach the once prosperous and powerful fish processing plant judge Aralszk port, which makes the lake the destruction of about 100 km -re was at a distance, at present, however, this distance is reduced to six kilometers. However, the dried-up riverbed searching for oil. Another alternative would be the Volga and Ob to water management, melting glaciers in the Pamir-flow to the direction of the lake and the reduction of cotton production.

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