Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 26., szerda

..............szívemből ír ----.........writing from my heart.

Vannak írások, amelyeket amikor olvas az ember úgy érzi az ő gondolatait fogalmazta meg valaki. Ma, én is így jártam, Gaal Petra írásával, szívemből ír. - Lőrincz Erzsébet

There are texts that are read when the man feels his ideas formulated by someone. Today, I am also so I went Gaal Petra writing, writing from my heart.

Petra Gaal - az eredeti írás

I never wanted to move out of the country.Hungary - Budapest and it mostly - my home.About half a year ago, I could not imagine being anywhere else to live. I felt sorry when he went to turn my friends, acquaintances, relatives, a large step was I, that I could never do that.
This time last year we bought an apartment in Budapest. We came up with what should be the children's room, what should be in the bathroom. Oda designed for adult life.
Then I started getting uncomfortable to feel at home, but I did not take it seriously. As if I started to see more and notice than before. The political action and right steps were no longer invisible. The society and social troubles began to take shape was such that I could not ignore. But it is still only half a year I was joking that if Jobbik wins the election, are not packed, just pick up my passport out of my toothbrush, and I go to the airport (of course ... because that would have been packed).
But as the months passed, I felt more and more at home than when I lived an abusive relationship with the country.Where exploited where looting in which blindfolded not to also see how it could be better with telling me what to say and what not, which incite to be afraid, to hate, where the streets driving in an eye always on the pocket through, where I can not be walking along the street, not to see a human dignity completely lost homeless, where the smell of human and animal feces circulate the air, where there are too many incompetent and uncomprehending, which will fill in mothers and fathers mouth 10 hours a day for work 78,000 HUF where health workers and teachers have been eviscerated, and enjoy skinned, where we do not invest energy into making the other feel good that do not care about or that we feel good because we are happy if we stay alive By the end of the day.
Families want. Liveable want, joyful life.Adults who were beaten in their childhood with their father or their mother was an alcoholic, suddenly find themselves as adults, they can not empatizálni their parents. And that's a bad feeling to them. They think that "to my mother could be so stupid to tolerate this? How could I have seen him for a long time perfect when letting humiliated for years?" or even to "why my father left my mother so drunk? Why tolerate? Not at all why I chose these nut?".Well, I do not want my kid says, 'Why did you stay in this spiritual nyomortanyában? I was not expecting you? I do not want you to happily grow up, balanced mum and dad? Why did not you dealt with me, why was it important to you both work, why I worked 12 hours, I was not important why me? ".
We moved away because we want a quiet life. Parenthood can become more consistent. Where we can be efficient with the same amount of work far better quality live where you do not have to convince ourselves that this month I'm going to buy a coat or winter, and we are among the most people visit the dentist at home! It was not our faith, we have two people working full-time, two of his flats! Our life at home was the target each other! But because others worse, I can not accept that folded out completely, work, live, live felőrölve each other for 40 years. Two of them got along comfortably, so that költhettünk our health - and even spiritual health as well, which certainly very few people can allow themselves - but the four of us, a temporary action is no longer I could have done this.
Now I feel that it is not dependent on the background image of what is my home. My home is where decently live, where do I collect the garbage selectively, where you do not need a special backpack that my bike have a elvághatatlan lock with single-storey houses without fences can I stay with the first-floor apartments private balconies do not have to lerácsozni where you take care of others values and where the mine is watching over where the kids out there running around on the street, where late evening cycling in the woods, where the warmth of my friends put your hands in the city without someone in the death of their wanting to where you where my friends and loved ones hosted know see where is the question, "Which of good primary school, where to take the kids?", everyone just blinked, "what is? Here is all good primary school", where health care professionals are valued, where to be a teacher experience and can not survive where workers are treated as the most precious treasure, which sanctity of the family and get real support, and where is pleased to work with the salary's sake.Just I opened my eyes. I do not want to live there, where it is important that the streets were renamed do not want to live where they lost the people's pensions, and yet all you do not say that thanks, I do not want to live there, where the people would leave!
I do not want to live in a country where politicians responsible for it say, "repulsive" for the people who elected him mayor by the way. I do not want to live in a country where the prime minister confuse immigration and terrorism. I do not want to live in a country where you do not earn a real solution to the problem, but also used the hatred forged powerful common enemy. I do not want to live in a country where the Nyugati tér underpass me about the police not to scooter when my side pocket, drug dealers, hookers and drugs are anesthetized baby begging in single file.I do not want to live in a country where the other beaten to death skin color, because they think immigrants do not want to live in a country where someone can contest the explanation that "I thought I was an immigrant." I do not want to live in a country where health care is completely desolate, education ruin, where the individual's development, intellectual maturation disadvantage where lebetegített, weakened labor value, which I can not leave you leave when I want, where two weeks leave up to in films I hear where you are doing overtime to keep rúgjanak, where half the salary SG & to spend, and expect it to be glad it's not 51%!I do not want to live in a country where everyone is so frustrated that smoothly kicking another man for some trumped-up grounds. I do not want to live in a country where the parents are so exhausted that their children will no ounce of energy and therefore create a botched unhappy fates, they're the same people who will then give a little of their own children.
I do not want to live in a country where we can only focus on their own survival, which is always just waiting for something; the end of the day, a Friday, in the summer, the end of the year, but never anything we can not be happy! I do not want to live in a country where slowly lost all empathy.It had enough. I trusted, trusted for years. I love my country. I love Hungary. I am delighted when Hungary beauty out here, I can tell you! But this is a one-sided love. She does not love me does not honor me, so you must not let your hands because it affected eye.

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