Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 18., kedd

Nincs doktor! Később! --- No doctor! Later!

Ma a környezetünk helyreállításról akartam írni de, szemem elé került egy cikk egy igaz, igazi EMBER-ről, most az Ő munkáját szeretném bemutatni nektek. 

dr. Mogyorós Judit.

Akkora vágást kapott Orbánéktól, hogy élete végéig megmarad - Kovács Klára írása

Today, the environment is restored assertion but I wanted to write, was an article about a righteous woman in front of my eyes, now I want to introduce you to his work.

Dr. Judit Mogyorós.

Orban was cutting the size of government to remain until the end of his life --- write Klara Kovacs

The stone sitting in the same gauge infusion, give injections and binding wounds Judit Mogyorós pediatrician in the eastern railway station underpass. The day before, made up of the Migration Aid warehouse, which previously invested in a ground mattress ültethette patients. Now he works two nylon bags, one of the needles and bandages, are the other drugs.

 Mogyorós Judit cure sixth week of the refugees arriving in Budapest from 12 to 14 hours a day, often in inhumane conditions.

"No doctor! Later "- explains the broad gestures of one volunteer with a feverish child soothing Syrian mother have to wait for the doctor, and then turns away and says to the others." Yesterday a young guy who pretended to be sick, stole the doctor's wallet when no one listening all the documentation was in office now handles the affairs of the Act, can come later. "-. she says.
After the theft Mogyorós Judit asked to do the clothes and toiletries warehouse full of drugs to order, but also elsewhere. So at the end of the underpass, the wall was place at three o'clock in the already crowded waiting patients. Until it arrives, the nurse made Adrienn blood pressure measurement, the patient's chest wound lashed and propped ears, listening, or are allergic pneumonia symptoms. Of Stethoscope because there is only one woman remained a doctor.

"I'll call him an ambulance if you do not make it!"
 - Shouts an elderly lady who was somewhere in the underpass túlvégén grabbed the arm of a young Afghan man. "Here I go out every day and getting worse looks barely had the strength is not to drink the water" - Drag him.

The squabble comes in the middle of Mogyorós Judit, who immediately sat down on the stone, waiting for him in Hungary. "Her pulse was 140, he was short of breath, this man since the days of kidney stones are struggling, the little boy is full of warts, yesterday returned to the infusion men and a Fence was also injured" - pass the sick assistant.

"Most diseases occur due to hygienic conditions, there are various skin complaints. But a growing number of medical diseases, respiratory, digestive problems and a lot of kidney stones. The road obviously little drunk, and here I keep telling them that the tap future water drinkable, do not go to him. "- Explains the reason for the problems the doctor -". It is advised war injuries, open wounds and venereal diseases So far men as a dove on the suspicion that syphilis,

but who knows how many people have this problem because the Muslim men do not show off themselves for a woman, even if a doctor.

This is normally addressed that speak to me, to accompany them to the toilet, and then I know that some of these complaints. " 

Suit the green border

Thousands had turned the capital's railway stations, including senior government officials, military superiors as well. This Saturday, for example putting up the Iraqi Finance Ministry's anti-corruption matters supervisory department of the former head off the train wearing a shirt and tie, his hands back the years for all documents. According to him impossible after the change of government, sham proceedings against him, froze his assets and convicted in absentia. Since fleeing 2013th At first he lived on the outskirts of the Turkish border with his family, later in Georgia and Turkey pulled itself. In the middle of summer you decide to supporting the Iraqi government corruption documents he brings to Europe. He walked along the path refugees, from Serbia, through the green border, arrived in Hungary.

A man arrives, Hungarian final report. One arm 16 stitches sewn back into the flesh torn skin.

„Border. Gillette. My skin. Memory of Hungary forever. Tattoo by the free world”
 - She explains as he clenched teeth tolerate that the bond dried-off is levied. "More and more of these will come." - Murmurs the doctor - "So far I've seen a man who has gone through the wire, he looked terrible, the others are cuts to the hands and feet." 

"Even my wallet was stolen yesterday, I continue.

     So there went the money, which is meant for them.

I just do not know what will happen until I leave. Who will provide them? "- Makes up finally, the question Hazelnut Judit, while another vesepanaszost examine the doctor's plans after returning to initiate the adoption process, a 14-year-old Afghan boy's case, who arrived unaccompanied and got the news a few days ago. that at home her whole family was killed in an attack.

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