Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 11., kedd

Emberek és vallások... --- People and religions ...

Emberek és vallások...

Ma, úgy volt, hogy a tegnapi blogbejegyzésemet fordítom magyar nyelvre, de az élet áthúzta a számításomat.

Előre kell bocsátanom, hogy Isten hívő vagyok, de nem templombajáról. Ez nem volt mindig így! Míg Apám élt, nem foglalkoztam az Istennel........

Református vallású vagyok, hosszú ideig nagyon büszke is voltam erre, egyszer csak kiderült, hogy az általam olyan nagyra becsült dr. Bölcskei Gusztáv a Magyar Református egyház egyik vezetője, besúgó volt. Ekkor, átértékeltem az egyházhoz való viszonyomat és azóta nem voltam templomban.

Míg nem jó pár éve rátaláltam a Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösségre, ők is az egyetlen Istent hiszik és nem csak mondják, hogy hiszik, hanem cselekedeteikkel bizonyítják is, hogy Isten hívő emberek közössége. Hozzájuk tartozom!

Az alábbi cikkből képet kap az olvasó Magyarország és a magyar nép jelenlegi helyzetéről és képet kap a Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösség vezetőjéről dr. Iványi Gáborról 

Iványi Gábor: nem ülhetünk tétlenül


People and religions ...

Today, I had to turn my blog post yesterday's Hungarian language, but life pulled it over my computer.

It should be that I am a believer of God, but not of the church. This was not always the case! While my father was alive, I did not deal with God ........

I am a Calvinist, I was very proud of for a long time, suddenly found out that my treasured dr. Gustav Bölcskei the Hungarian Reformed Church is a leader, he was an informer. Then, re-evaluated my relationship with the Church and ever since I was not the church.

While not a couple of years ago I came across the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood Community, and believe they can not just say to believe, but in works they can prove that God is the only community of people who believe in God. I belong to them!The following article to get the reader's image of Hungary and the Hungarian people and can get the current status of the Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship leader of dr. Gabor Ivanyi.

Gabor Ivanyi: we can not sit idly by

It is possible that people are beginning to break, crush. Gabor Ivanyi understands the anger, because so far made a fool of them evil bastards that there is no good answer. The Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship senior pastor constitutionally peaceful, contemplative man would if he could. But he can not, because - as he says - listen to this situation of sin, and it is politics, who is not in politics.

- What year is it closed? I ask because after nearly two years in Strasbourg won a lawsuit against the state.

- We had belonged among those who have achieved the destruction of discriminatory religious laws before the Constitutional Court. The decision in Strasbourg ruled last year that the Hungarian government had acted unlawfully regarding the legalization of a house. Whatever will be, I do not want to become known as the "national cooperation" party, I do not want to cooperate with the government so as not to be kegyből Church. If they are disconnected from the land, kiosk, newspaper, education, health care from people I do not want to stand on the side where this dirty work, the beneficiaries dwell. I'd rather be one of those who dispossess, and who therefore struggle, must cry out. 
Specific fighting style is. Quietly say terrible things serious, it is impossible to break into, and that in today's world of rebellion itself.

I'm not going to throw laptops into the window of the Fidesz headquarters. I'm not saying it's bad, just does not suit me. But I do not listen, because we done to thousands of people serving in the state assumed that the current power tried to make out of our hands. But the state I am, not only they who think I'm guests, tolerated alien be here, so I have no right to interfere in affairs. I think the state should contribute to the tasks taken over by the state and it is not könyöradomány, but a requirement. So I demand several hundred child's plate of food, their feet in the shoes of termeikbe warmth, light and high-quality education.They demand needed for the homeless hospitals bandages, medicines, instruments of the money that was taken away inhibitions and pay their hobby.  

- Our church operates an extensive network of social street Heated kindergarten for poor children, and then to rural schools and old people's homes is not even spoken. If the diverted state money, how it is maintained all this?

- Lately, we work the way poor households where daily pondering what it is you've got to pay up, and what can wait. If the wake of the Strasbourg decision reparations we get, we will sort out the necessity of accumulated debt. No government in the past that we could develop a little more: for example, managed to develop women's ward of the hospital for the homeless - living here in this French businessmen helped.

- It has long been attention to always flee in advance of the need to make improvements, respectively.

We believe that if we have a little, you will also be given to those who come short of the book is better. We can not reject anyone misery just because we kuporgatunk. We can not sit idly by. We must do research, it should be used, which may have escaped your attention, as this can be solved by tomorrow so we gain time. Otherwise, the survival of extremely poor people real artists who make serious decisions several times a day. I'm not offended when combusted in a chair or summer clothes - still better than freeze. The poor need to wage even at the expense of the rich is a constant war of self-defense, which the wealthy society hate speech, legislature, react with violence, instead of criminally together prey be shared possessions. 

Also last year, news that the police wanted to evict you Felsődobsza the school. 

- In 2011, the US government sought to take over the school. Previous years EU funds renovated the building, a new wing is next to an old castle, allegedly while driving and remembering someone else to do it would be a wellness center. Something is whispering that the Mayor ambitious man, and realized too late that it was not just a lucky idea to contract with us. I'm a born democrat, I'd like normal, so it was natural for me to underprivileged children where education is at stake, there no matter who is on which side. Átvitatkoztuk the summer, finally hoisted the transfer date of the start of the school year ahead of us. Common cooking preached that day, the school is full. I explained to the people not to be afraid because of the shortsighted is sometimes mistaken for the almighty powers in the earth, the good Lord was not wearing a Rolex watch will not walk in Gucci shoes. Our contract is about to expire for five years, I will not, lift, it may contract again. If you eliminate the school and the kids melted down another 180 institutions, and parents tolerate this - I understand.
- The historical churches blend into the system, increasing the number of schools tempo attack. It would be such a difference between belief and faith.

- It's the elimination of democracy, the restriction of human rights, justice Rotation, the legislative work of the kind that does not protect the weak - consider an attack on humanity. I have not changed, they turned to the basic values ​​which have ever believed in. Rebels against all the good God, who takes away the nyomorgótól the aid, rokkantaktól the support from the old összekuporgatott money. In this land of God's will for God's people. They have to live as if it would not be a god. The good Lord can not be right that if evil, heartlessly into the world, and things on display right away. For order should be made where all leaned in which a narrow layer enriched sinful ways, and he's not even remorse. In addition brag religious indíttatásukkal. I regret that the biblical story of Joseph is only utilized the idea of ​​centralization of power. Joseph was put out of prison since he won the pharaoh. He said to him, come seven years of plenty followed by seven lean years, accumulate everything, as long as you can, because then I dearth occurs. The Pharaoh liked the idea. Grain-cities built in the seven years of plenty were harvested crop, and when he arrived in distress, they started selling them. First, the people run out of money, then Joseph nationalized their animals and fölvásárolta lands, and finally bought the people as slaves. On the move in that direction ... Everything sack, as this more and more skins can pull the people.

- In mid-January the formation of the Democratic Forum (DEKA), it is one of the founders. In their invitation to the churches they can expect their ranks. What do you think will be the result?

- Several other right by wishful thinking, that churches participate in this kind of political activity. Because anyway reviews are social processes, political views become csöveivé word, I shall stand face are - if not politics, it is politics. The DEKA otherwise it was not my idea. But the idea that we do attempt to address the social, close to me. My message to the initiatives that what happened and is happening every day, not because it is considered the cultural ignominy States because of ignorance or because someone cabal in Hungary. They know exactly what's going on, they see measured appreciated. And if we let it not be discussed, we will be a shame joint, common crime. Not sure DEKA is the solution for the country. This is an attempt to get the right and left another Democrats find a way out and say it together, so that if it goes on a swamp drags the country, of which we will not be able to get out.

- Do you really think that if this state together, will have ears to hear?

- I must believe in this. Jesus also says you have ears but do not hear. Otherwise, it has just created the DEKA, because many people - me too - there stirs the fear that the deteriorating situation suddenly forward it to the people there that are starting to break, crush. And legitimate anger because illiberal democracy handabandáznak, citing államérdekre teletömik some pockets, and leave them to their liking randalírozni - that is, to the extent they are doing evil villains fool them that this is not a good answer. 

We met for the first time by the poor Support Fund (SZETA), at the dawn of the democratic opposition mozgolódásának. There is no "déjà vu" feeling of connection with the DEKA? 

But, very well. Although he was tired of a power that is now unfolding is a monster in his prime, a wall, destructive, which is something you can not take away, destroy it, and the whole anoints some religious glaze that made his stomach turn inside out to the people. But in a situation similar to that of the Speaker to report on the troubles started, the set is said that there is indeed poverty. On top of a piano covered with the money collected, szétguberáltuk to its forint hundred, two hundred of it. And we began to dress, food collected, monitored by the police, the paper gained the speaker, sometimes confiscated. Seemingly insignificant things have not changed from the world of course. But if we can not stop the rotation of the earth, that is the only life you have to speak at least, and try to get people to be finally come of age. 

Sombor Judit provisions of the Népszava. 


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