Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 24., hétfő

Az éhező gyerekek..... --- Starving children ....

A Föld nem a szegényeket nem tudja jól lakatni, hanem a gazdagoknak semmi nem elég

Ma, régi tartozásomat rovom le a gyerekek felé.
A gyermekszegénységről írok. Az éhező gyerekekről.
Erről minden nap kellene írni, mindaddig, ameddig egy éhező gyermek él a Földön.
A gyermek szegénységen csak mi felnőttek tudunk segíteni, ne tétovázzunk azonnal kezdjünk el segíteni az éhező gyerekeken. Mindenki ott a saját környezetében kezdjen hozzá a gyerekek segítéséhez. Nagyon vigyázva arra, hogy ne alázzuk meg a gyereket és a családját. - Lőrincz Erzsébet

Magyarország elvesztette a gyermekszegénység elleni harcot a válságban 

The Earth is not the poor unable to feed well, but nothing for the rich is not enough

Today, my old debts which would place it towards the kids.
The Child Poverty write. Starving children.
That should write every day, as long as a starving child on Earth.
Child poverty can only help our adults, do not hesitate to immediately start to help the starving children on. Everyone is there to go about it in your environment to assist the children. Very careful not to humiliate the child and his family. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

Hungary lost the fight against child poverty in the crisis

 The world's leading children dealing with humanitarian organization UNICEF data from the European Union and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), using a report about how could the 2008 unleashed the economic crisis on children's financial situation 41 richest countries in the world. It turns out that those countries have been treated better social shock caused by the crash, which devoted more money to the needy. Hungary not one of them, we grew the fastest between 2010 and 2012 child poverty.

General findings of the UNICEF report include that the crisis has set back the economic performance of many countries, such as household income fell there, and that in the longer term negative impact on children. 

The effects of the crisis were able to successfully relieve those countries that have confirmed their social policies. The report showed that those countries could be more effective in the fight against child poverty, which are effective employment programs, economic stimulus funds have been introduced and supported with aid targeted on the most needy families.

This required a percentage of GDP increase in public spending, which according to the EU, Eurostat, together with Malta, Hungary has by far the worst. That's demonstrated by the fact that between 2008 and 2010, our fifth fastest (almost 2%) increase in child poverty, and between 2010 and 2012, we introduced a negative ranking (almost 6%).

Hungary in minus
According to the Assembly from 2008 to 2012 in 41 countries in the survey a total of 2.6 million children fell below the poverty level, and so the number of developed countries reached 76.5 million. Eighteen countries had, which improved despite the crisis situation of children (Poland and Slovakia are among the best), the other 23 countries have worsened the child poverty rates - in Hungary by 2.9 percentage points (the 41 out of the position 29 "enough") . The largest, nearly or more than 20 percentage point decline in Greece, Iceland measure.

Especially families and young people in trouble 

In Greece, the median family (not average, but the statistical mean) income for 2012 fell back to 1998 levels; In Hungary, the 2004 level.The age group 15-24 years the unemployment rate here also deteriorated significantly in 2013 (approximated 30 percent, it is 10-11. Place was the EU's rankings), but by far not as much as in the southern countries, Greece, Spain Portugal, Croatia and Cyprus.Hungary 33 in the rankings, which shows how much increased between 2008 and 2013 of young people aged 15-24, the proportion who do not study nor work. In this category Poland and Slovakia are only marginally outperformed, and behind us such as Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. True, the share of neither student nor employee of young people between the ages of 15-24 in 2013, Hungary was among the 41 countries mediocre at 15.4 percent. Israel, for example, the figure is over 30 percent, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy and Greece are above 20 percent. 

In the last pumpkin Hungary 

In the European Union there is a category in which absolute Hungary deteriorated the most, the situation between 2008 and 2012: the severe material deprivation (Severe material deprivation) living children.


We started already high base, about 20 per cent, which was the third worst after Bulgaria and Romania in thirty countries, but it also jumped well above 30 percent. This means that one in three children belonged to this category in the 2012th

The third place has not changed, but only slightly better than Romania we are. Bulgaria was and remained over 40 percent, those rates are.

True, in relative terms during the crisis in Iceland and Greece jumped by the most number of children living in severe material deprivation, tripled and doubled, but that does not mean that the absolute number is not in Hungary had the most children in this position at this time. 

What is the severe material deprivation? 

If children live in households that thing at least four of the following nine can not afford:

  •      rent, utility charges, housing loans
  •      heated apartment
  •      unexpected expenses
  •      Regular consumption of meat
  •      holiday
  •      TV
  •      washing machine
  •      car
  •      phone  

Poverty is no office

While child poverty was on the rise, in 2011, the crisis in the middle of the abolition of the Hungarian Academy of Children Against Poverty Programme Office, led by sociologist Zsuzsa Ferge Professor-Academician in 2006. At the time, the incident caused a great stir. The Programme Office will continue to exist - but no longer updated - the website of the reader receiving the message that the work Ferge Zsuzsa et al  not stopped voluntarily, but because it made it impossible to operate.

In the Fidesz government are undeniable merits


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