Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 15., szombat

Éjszaka a tranzitokban ---Night in transits

Éjszaka a tranzitokban ---Night in transits

Nem sok mindent lehet az alábbi íráshoz hozzá fűzni két dolgot szeretnék csak.

A Migration Aid tagjai miatt nem szégyellem, hogy magyar vagyok, ők a saját pénzükön, saját szabadidejükben segítik a hozzánk menekülőket, étellel, itallal, jó szóval, térképpel és mindennel, ami módjukban áll.

A gyűlölködők üzenem, olvassák el az írást, nézzék meg a képeket, ilyen "terroristák" érkeznek hazánkba naponta pár százan. by Lőrincz Erzsébet


Not many things can add the following two things I want to write only.

I'm not ashamed because of Migration Aid members that I am Hungarian, they are their own money, their own time to help us with the refugees, food and drink, good words, maps and everything that is within their capacity.

The hateful messages read the writing, look at the pictures of these "terrorists" come to our country for a few hundred people a day.

Night in transits

The party begins in the evening Coastal area just outside the cornerstone of passing, while a few stops away on the east than Baba, the Migration Aid activist trying to divert 150 to 200 refugees each line to divide the evening meal. There is a need for forceful words, as the hungry migrants sitting on a pile of solid food to try to run the splitter. Donations are growing day by day, dishes will never be enough.

The Keleti menu for the evening that day soups with noodles. Strictly pork-free. Small fast food restaurant near the station chief in hot water helps to replenish the app. 150 meals. Roughly everyone gets who fall behind, canned vigasztalódhat. Many refugee children should cast the trick extra hope of food. Several times they'll send them, but Baba says to them: Not Repeta! Everyone has only one dose of acting! After soup has a smaller bag halved bananas will be awarded. It is less, but reforming it on the line. Above all, it will be distributed to the children, must be a vitamin.

Meanwhile, in the West is a 80-person team are waiting. 10 pm from the train gets in Szeged. The last car traveling for them. Volunteers have difficult work to do, especially so many people. The children, as they descend, they start to play on the platform. Outside distribute water and trying to herd them together according to destination.

Most of the workers can not be distinguished from the civilian passer-by, and it is understandable that the immigrants are wary. I also reflect on refugees if only someone would meet me once in a foreign country, you want to see my papers, and then a bus trying felterelni. Many people continue to go, they say, they want to get to Germany, not in the camp. Probably they appear even in the days of one station, as they are returned by the authorities.

Now enough people left, we all go Bicske. Marci, head of volunteers working in the West call a special bus BKK. The transit service operates a week ago, the Delian must be carried those he managed to convince him to go to camp. The others spread out in all directions of the compass rose.

There are those who already have friends in the country, trying to find him, there are those who entrust themselves to smugglers, and those who are trying to get into one of the Western countries in their own efforts. 

The Keleti loud laughter drifts in the transit zone of all-rounder room. Here, "the band their" volunteers. Here, the storage, the phone charging points, the first aid provider, from the Institute of kajaosztást. At night everyone was tired, but keep the fun going reasoning, the stories experienced during the day telling stories. Of course, keep knocking, there is always a hungry mouth, but you have who simply need a soap that has recently set up a temporary anchor washed on her dress. 

Suddenly, a group of young guys coming in, hurt their feet. Baby cries: Well, Judit, now-clean half of Afghanistan! Loud laughter.

In general, smaller problems to come. A little later, a woman came in chador wrapped respiratory diseases. It also put an end to easing the night, all-at least in the room. The doctor out embarrassed all the time of the study.

The charter rolls in front of the South Railway Station. Down in the transit zone have been waiting for a further 10-15 migrants departure. Together, they move next to the train, head count, fine paper, everybody got water, food, take-off, the direction of Bicske.

Most families leave the camps because of the kids safer. A French girl by the hand to Syria two small children. Budapest learned this year, seeing the situation, he also enlisted to help. The volunteers will wait until the train starts, waving, throwing kisses. 

Midnight, you can call the transit flights. 11 pm comes another group of Westerners, they still need to be adapted in the way. Who were later sent to Budapest by train, be sure to spend the night in the city.

The Keleti in the atmosphere reached its climax before the all-area, the other half still nursed Judit Afghanistan. The farm beaten chased out of the tunnel stairs, and around them the army was still awake in a group of refugees. The children tried to pull away Baba and others were taught to count in Hungarian.  

Of course there continuously topogtak those whose meals, telephone charges, toothpaste, soap and water should. 

We found some of the bubble has been relaxed parents chagrin. The area is uttered by all the children who saw the adult tomfoolery.

Afghanistan healed. Again the all-rounder could retire back room. Tomorrow has been discussing for action in the ring. Clearing making, food production and food distribution organization, who can come and who was not, clocks coordination.

Dawn went to two of the time, only a few were standing around in the subway. Baby beat the blowing, tomorrow morning will start all over again.

Foto: Polyák Attilla - Origo  

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