Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 25., kedd

If the refugees coming to Europe think, think about this file --- ha az Európába érkező menekültekre gondolsz, gondolj erre a képre.

 Én mindig a menekültek oldalán álltam, állok!

Gondolják csak el, milyen helyzet lehet ott, ahol az Embereknek nincs más lehetősége, csak annyi, hogy kicsi gyerekeivel elindul a teljesen ismeretlenbe. Ezt a nők jobban el tudják gondolni. Nem félni kellene tőlük, utálatoskodni velük, hanem befogadni Őket.

Ikonikus fotó járja be világot a Szíriából menekült családról

I have always stood side the refugees, I am!

Just think about the type of situation could be where the people had no choice but just enough to start out with small children of the completely unknown. That women are better able to think about. They should not be afraid of them, utálatoskodni with them, but to accept them. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

A life of its own freelance photographer, Daniel Etter view shared on Facebook and Twitter in America and Western Europe line. The New York Times photojournalist working next to it says the image is usually only one sentence to

     "If the refugees coming to Europe think, think about this file."

Daniel Etter immortalized the moment when Laith Majid fled to Syria with his wife, son and daughter arrive from Turkey to the Greek island of Kos in August fifteenth. The family has a small ferried tossed at sea, in which a total of fifteen were. The photojournalist reports that the rubber boat carrying refugees began to yield to the air after two hours of travel and continually leaked into the water, the occupants completely drench, a miracle that they survived the trip. Etter reports that have never experienced such a poignant moment when it is on land the family hugged and wept father. Only a few can do about them, immediately they began to help them megszárítkozzanak local immigration office and direct them.

Later he met with the family on the island who said they paid $ 6,500 to people smugglers to pass through Greece.

The UN reports that mid-August this year, 158,456 refugees arrived from Turkey to the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. Just last week, more than twenty thousand people undertook the risky journey. 85 percent of the refugees set sail from Syria. (Guardian / Independent)

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