Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 27., csütörtök

....... szörnyű bűncselekmény ---........terrible crimes

Nem könnyű most bármi mondani. 
Volt már ilyen az életemben, amikor egyszerűen nem volt hajlandó az agyam felfogni, hogy mi történt, azért, hogy ne őrüljek meg, most is ez van. Nem szégyenlem, ahogy most írok folynak a könnyeim és görcsbe van a gyomrom, üvölteni tudnék a tehetetlenségtől....
Nem tudok, nem akarok, nem merek belegondolni abba, hogy ilyen "emberek", mint ez az teherautó vezető, közöttünk élnek. - by Lőrincz Erzsébet
It's not easy to say anything now. 
I have had these in my life when my brain simply refused to grasp what had happened, so as not to be happy, now it is. I am not ashamed, as I write now underway in tears and spasms in the stomach, I could scream in frustration .... 
I can not, I do not want, do not dare stop to think that these "people" as this is the truck leader, they live among us. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

....... szörnyű bűncselekmény - magyar nyelvű cikk.

........terrible crimes...

Children can also be found in the bodies of Austria, Hungary truck license plates

Important details
  •      20-50 corpse was found in a Hungarian license plates truck Austria.
  •      The exact number of victims because they do not know, because forensic experts but tonight highlight the corpses of the vehicle's hold.
  •      The Austrian police did not rule out that women and children are among the victims.
  •      The refugees in the cargo hold one and a half days ago you could give full even in Hungary.
  •      The truck stood since Wednesday an emergency lane on the highway, 30 kilometers from the border with Hungary.
  •      A truck with Slovak subtitles are displayed, the Hungarian temporary license plate of a Romanian citizen who was replaced in Kecskemét.
  •      The Austrian Minister of the Interior announced a fight against people smugglers.
  •      The Hungarian government expressed its condolences to the relatives of the deceased.
  •      The Hungarian police, the National Bureau of Investigation assisted by the Austrian investigation.
A Hungarian refugees license plates van's body was found Thursday morning, the Austrian A4 highway. The Austrian police are talking about 20-50 competent person dead. Austria established crisis staff, had contacted the Hungarian authorities.

The 7.5-ton truck was hard shoulder in an emergency telephone since Wednesday between Neusiedl and Parndorf, leading to the Vienna site, Kronen Zeitung writes. The location is about 30-40 kilometers from the border with Hungary. The truck's hold liquid dripping and the terrible odor seemed a highway maintainer Thursday morning, who immediately notified the police.

When the police got there, the truck's rear door was open. Survivors have been found. The police assumes that the victims were refugees who were transported to traffickers. Hans Peter Doskozil Burgenland provincial police chief said Thursday evening: the condition of the corpses suggests that one and a half days ago have died Magyaraországon yet. The police chief would not rule out that women and children are among the victims.

The driver fled, energetically seek.

We do not know yet how many people died

The Kronen Zeitung that the number of dead could reach fifty as well. The Austrian ORF public television talk Thirty victims, the police chief of Burgenland at between 20 and 50 the number of victims.

The exact number of victims is not yet able to say, because the bodies have not yet been raised out of the truck. The Austrian press reported that the truck and the surrounding area before meticulously inspected and secured the site after the truck has been transported along with the bodies to Vienna. Here tonight forensic experts try to identify the bodies in a hangar. The exact number and identity of the victims on Friday promised a detailed information about the Austrian police.

The mysterious Z-plate

The meat transport truck Slovakian advertising signage visible, but the Hungarian number plates marked with the letter Z-traveled. This was triggered by a Romanian citizen in Kecskemet, announced Minister János Lázár Opportunities for Chief Minister. Such plates are given to the Hungarian market is not yet rated foreign export of vehicles, Hungarian-owned, staying abroad without a home, car license plate number, vehicle staying in Hungary without a valid official permit re-export or damaged, replace invalid provisional foreign registration plates.
We tried to call a Slovak company called Hyza label based in the truck, but no figure was available for hours. They later issued a press release that in 2014 they sold their 13 trucks, one of which has been to Hungary. Unfortunately, they did not pay attention to the fact that the new owner will replace the stickers.   
The data on a sheet, according to the Slovak company website Hyza Since 2006, the property of the Agrofert group. According to the Austrian Kurier Agrofert owned by Czech Finance Minister and Vice-Chancellor Andreja Babis. The company deeply regrets the incident and declared sympathy for the victims' families. As disclosed, the company currently has six similar vehicles, and tracking systems for installation in accordance with all six are still staying in the territory of Slovakia, in addition to Hyza not deliver goods to the territory of Austria. 
A forwarding contractor of the index said the Hungarian-Austrian border virtually anyone átcsempészhet people because the Schengen agreement has been entirely halted shipments monitored. Neither thermal imager, no other technical devices do not control the traffic of trucks and lorries. A truck driver said, when two hundred cases, stopped them near the border, but also the technical condition of the car you are interested in more on the authorities. 

 A police spokesman in Burgenland "heinous crime" spoke. Johanna Mikl-Leitner Austrian Interior Minister said the tragedy they were all shaken by the traffickers as "criminals who are not beneficial in helping refugees, but only interested in their profits." The Austrian Minister of the Interior announced a zero-tolerance policy against people smugglers, who are all behind bars in place.

Aided by the Hungarian police

The Hungarian police investigation assisted by the Austrian authorities - told Thursday's press conference in Budapest, Kinga Fügedi Bognar, the National Police Service of communications duty manager.

He said: Károly Papp National Police Thursday afternoon agreed with the head of the Austrian police and offered his help to track down the culprit as soon as possible their finds. Kinga Fügedi-announced Bognar Karoly Papp Standby Police National Investigation Bureau commissioned by the Austrian authorities to co-operate.

Politicians shaken

In case it was also in today's Government Info. Minister János Lázár Opportunities for Chief Minister said that the Hungarian government has also sympathize with the victims' relatives. German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Vienna, the Western Balkans him the news conference where the refugee issue and the fight against people smugglers were involved. The chancellor said he was very shaken. According to him, it is also a warning for the EU to act urgently need to address the migration. The conference participants a minute's silence to remember the victims.

The Austrian police on Tuesday detained three smuggler, who is also a truck transported 34 refugees, including 10 children. The refugees said, they are packed into the hold, where I could hardly breathe. Despite begging, so the driver took them to the Serbian-Hungarian border to Austria without any stops or rest.

In 1995, it was such a tragedy at Győr

After nearly 20 years, in 2013 it was captured by the Bulgarian American man who in 1995 smuggled across the Romanian border in a trailer truck of 40 Sri Lankan citizens. Of these 18 refugees drowned in a hot trailer. The assembly could not get past abandoned him near Gyor Hungarian police. The survivors said they paid $ 800 apiece to the smuggler.

The Bulgarian said after his capture that at Győr noticed that the passengers drowned, so ijedtségében headed back to Bulgaria. Plamen Vladimirov Triffonovra home eight years of a prison sentence was imposed, but it's not known how to escape from the prison, and came to the United States.

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