Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 8., szombat

The Islamic State of seduction is greater than ever

 Az Iszlám Állam csábítása nagyobb, mint valaha
Olvasom a most közreadandó cikket a döbbenet és a félelem lesz uralkodott el rajtam. Pedig, higgyék el nem vagyok félős, sem gyáva.  Hiszek, hittem mindig azt, hogy a jóság erősebb a rossznál, de most picit elbizonytalanodtam .... Lássuk hát, miért is ez az elbizonytalanodás .... --- I read a recently published article to be given to the dismay and fear will be ruled by me. And, I might believe I'm not afraid, nor a coward. I believe, I still believe that goodness is stronger than rossznál, but I hesitated a bit .... Let's see why this uncertainty ....- by Erzsébet Lőrincz

A írás szerzője Loretta Napoleoni közgazdász / magyar fordította: Sebestyén Eszter 

The author Loretta Napoleoni an economist / Hungarian translated by Esther Sebastian

 The Islamic State of seduction is greater than ever

What works well for caliphate? Pragmatism and modernity - these are the two main features that distinguish the current armed jihadi groups, and because of which the number of followers is growing rapidly. Most alluring incentives armed nationalist, the Muslim promise of utopia. All of this - rather than terrorism - in the guise of patriotism. The significance of ideological caliphate seems indisputable: expanded its boundaries in 12 months, and is now seeking to consolidate.

It was expected that the first anniversary of the proclamation of the Caliphate, on 29 June, following terrorist acts to be committed. The method in the past year is the same: more different nature and scale attack in the West and the East. Europe was no need for any further scheduled for Sept. 11-nor Atocha massacre. In order to sow panic among the population, it was enough to behead a man, "the name of the Islamic State". The most vocal of the Tunisian tourist massacre provoked, while Kuwait and Saudi Arabia's Shiite mosques blasted.

The driving force behind all the attacks in the caliph a year ago, the world population is Sunni addressed to the sentence: "This is your State Otok, come build; if not - wherever you are - do everything possible to help it, "This has been echoed around the world, and has greatly increased the number of followers in these words.. Many people travel to get the Islamic state Measured fight the enemy. Paradoxically, most of them from the point of Tunisia, with a single country, actually won the "Arab Spring" (Tunisia "jasmine revolution" called for. - Translator's note) in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Kuwait are also many young people want to join the Islamic States and so these countries are frequent attacks against Shiites. 

A year after the birth of the Islamic State of seduction is greater than ever. It is a disturbing fact that you need to make gondolkodtasson us that what makes a successful ISIS. 

The Islamic State of wide-ranging flexibility can take advantage of the new features in cyberspace, capable of intercepting satellite communications, and can effectively defend against modern weapons. The caliphate is more like "Star Trek" -nek like Mullah Omar in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden.

The Islamic State = ISIS two main characteristics - with which armed jihadi groups so far lacked - pragmatism and modernity. The caliphate is able to take advantage of the weak points of the enemy and know its strengths. The Napoleonic tactics enabled him to extend the boundaries consolidate the acquired areas, it is indisputable icon of the global jihadist movement.  

The management of the Islamic State is well aware of the enemy, as has been fighting since 2003 against him. The caliphate of Saddam Hussein's army generals and intelligence of the members came from. Many were trained at the beginning of their careers in the West, during the Iran-Iraq War. All of them are left without work taking Baghdad, when Paul Brenner, the new governor of the state, the entire army and police eliminated. That was the first mistake, because the Pentagon only cleansing promoted, but the Shiite allies persuaded Dick Cheney US Vice-President to lay off anyone. The resulting vacuum Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister (2006-2014) the military confused miliciává züllesztette Shiite, and Saddam Hussein's top strategists Al Zarquaihoz, the supreme leader of jihadists joined. As a result, in less than ten years, the situation has deteriorated to the Caliphate is a very well-prepared army began to fight against an enthusiastic but disorganized Shiite armed gang.

Jack Keane - who took part in 2007, the design of US troops in the area of strengthening - agrees with this analysis. In your opinion are those of the Americans, who trained the commanders and the soldiers were trained to use the most modern weapons. It should also be noted that for years the new Iraqi army materiel is sold on the black market supplied by the Americans. It is estimated that the American taxpayers' money has been paid out so definitely the wrong purposes 42 billion dollars.

The second mistake was that they thought guaranteed by the drones and American modern intelligence technology is sufficient to allow the incompetent and corrupt army win the war, and Baghdad gateway (Ramadi) conquest initially confirmed this idea and after a few weeks created order in society, the Islamic State took the town by surprise, because a sandstorm blinded the drones and satellites. A tank attack Iraqi security forces in a hole, thus allowing the jihadis that the roofs can plant the first black and white flags. The Iraqi soldiers fled the same way as the previous summer at Mosul, leaving uniforms, their weapons on the battlefield.

The third mistake was that they assumed the caliphate is not supported by the population, as it is an umpteenth, dictatorial subjugation and oppression will be re-considered. The Greek and Roman ruins publicly executed in the city of Palmira rich Aszadhoz and forces loyal to deliver basic infrastructure, water and electricity. They organized the running of schools and hospitals, and allowed traders to supply Raqqah.

In recent years, it conquered large cities, such as Mosul, Islamic State of normal everyday life tries to create political conditions for the population, and great flexibility demonstrated by against certain communities. In Fallujah, in 2014, the caliphate is not pulled up the banner for several weeks until the local leaders have not discussed the conditions for the operation of the city. This strategy bore fruit in each of the new states and beyond, such as the Muslim women in the West toborozásáért exchange for a quiet family life and good social relations offer a jihadi hero's side, who was the founder of the caliphate. For those of you who want to fight, just set up a special armed brigades composed of women. Those who malinéz a woman doctor, like Sham, I want to continue with their profession, private clinics and hospitals available to them exclusively for women.

Nationalist carrot: the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria weapon optimized to stimulate nationalist, that is, the struggle against dictatorial regimes and western Shiite allies. The West has not understood that religious fundamentalism has undergone a genetic mutation. For many, the mere experience is attractive to promising Muslim realization of utopia, a Sunni nation-state is established.

Patriotism, not terrorism: so that the expats and the caliphate is also popular among insiders and enticing to be the Islamic State, and they should talk to them about what they do, the patriotism, and not mere terrorism.

The caliphate is a year-long success - and it is struggling against a broad coalition failures - indicate that the Islamic State of novelty features are still not able to understand those who want to destroy it.




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