Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 7., péntek

Így néz ki a rabszolga - árlista --- It looks like the slave - price list

Éjszakákat nem alszom a melegtől - szokatlan hőség tombol Magyarországon, így ráérek gondolkodni. Mindannyian tudjuk, látjuk hogy mi lett a világból, azért, mert mi jót akaró emberek nem emeltük fel a szavunkat tömegesen a rossz ellen. Talán nem késő még a jó embereknek összefogni a világon és jóra fordítani a világot, hogy egy élhető társadalmat hagyjunk a gyerekeinkre, unokáinkra. Ez a mostani világ, már élhetetlen .... ezt bizonyítja a következő ENSZ jelentés. --- I do not sleep nights in the heat - unusual heat raging in Hungary, so I have time to think. We all know what we have in the world, because of our well-meaning people did not raise our voices against the masses of the poor.
Maybe it is not too late even good people do good to unite the world and given to the world, to leave a livable society, our children, our grandchildren. This present world, has been shiftless .... evidenced in the following UN report. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz


Who can afford to buy slaves in the ISIS? What is it worth a little boy, and how much a big girl? The UN special envoy was talking about New York, where a price list is presented.

 They traded with the girls, as a barrel of oil - Zainab Bangura says, the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy. And speaking from a list, by what he saw in Iraq - those items are included in the slave market prices. The most expensive is not for young women. The little boys around a year to sell the best. Dealer of the ISIS, the buyers of its militants and its rich Middle Easterners.

Zainab Bangura, with the deal with sexual violence, committed by the crisis zones. The New York described impossible to verify the authenticity of the list, but he thinks there is no doubt added to the listed prices reflect real transactions. And it also sets out what it's worth, according to the ISIS. The 1-9 year old children 165 dollars in Iraqi dinars, the teenage girls 124 dollars over 20 years and a sharp fall in price. In today's dollar exchange rate of 165 HUF 47 thousand.
"A girl of five or six different men may also be sold. But there are also some that his family can buy back the abducted children and women thousands of dollars in measurable ransom". First sever those commanders who they want for themselves, then bid on the rich outsiders and the rest use a list price of warriors. 

Bangura, who was himself a Muslim and former Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone, says he can not fight the more than 200 thousand square kilometers ruling Syria and Iraq terrorist organization, the ISIS counter as against any rebel group. This would radically new formations and new challenges. Army soldier with the model built and led an organized state. What many people do not want to miss, because they feel that legalized this terrible organization.

Covering the brutality propagálásából also forged an advantage for himself. He've Kerry says Crawford, who is a professor at the University of Virginia. "If you and your group are doing something that is taboo, then, is to do it together with you to create an alliance. Sexual violence is really fear in the population "Then he adds:. Committed by soldiers rape a long history. Not so long ago, in the 1990s in Europe, the former Yugoslavia also operated violence in the Yugoslav war camps.

The ISIS is now standard practice to those of the conquered areas, where Sunni Muslims do not live in attempts to compensate, and if it fails, the prisoner managed Christians, jazidikat, shiitake. And it serves God as a holy war to sell, which is not without effect in other parts of the world Muslims, because many people want to be part of this, when the Middle East are going to fight for ISIS to offer. 

Own up machinery and computer programs "- says the Islamic state Bangura. "Separate manual to how to deal with these women. Marriage offices are to register with the 'marriage' of bought-girls with women. They have a price list".

Last year he appeared in a video in which a slave market gunmen chatted about which Noer how much they would. In November, many have talked about the price list as well. Then they said, it is impossible to prove its authenticity. Now the senior United Nations envoy says the spot after seeing the list, safely claim to be the real thing. And it is in use.  

I just got the news: ISIS executes 19 girls for refusing to have sex with fighters as UN envoy Reveals how sex slaves are 'peddled like barrels of petrol'


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