Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 20., csütörtök

Tehát a világ "művelt" részének ......-- So "educated" part of the world...

Augusztus 20-a: Magyarország első királya, Szent István napja, az államalapítás és az új kenyér ünnepe.
„Mert az egynyelvű és egyszokású ország gyenge és esendő. Ennélfogva megparancsolom neked, fiam, hogy a jövevényeket jóakaratúan gyámolítsad és becsben tartsad, hogy nálad szívesebben tartózkodjanak, mintsem másutt lakjanak.”
20th of August: Hungary's first king St. Stephen's Day, also the day of the Foundation of Hungary and 'the day of the new bread'. The quote is from St. Stephen: "A country that has only one language and only one tradition is weak and failing. I therefore urge you to welcome foreigners kindly and to hold them in honour, so that they prefer to stay with you rather than elsewhere."

“Az egész rokonság összepótol, hogy a családból legalább egy túlélő legyen”

Tehát, foglaljuk össze egy jobb sorsra érdemes Népek és egy jobb sorsra érdemes országok, Irak, Líbia, Szíria XX.-dik századi rövid történetét.

Felhívom a világ szíves figyelmét arra, hogy ez nem csak a fent említett országokkal eshetett meg, de bárkivel megeshet akinek valami természeti kincse van, például: kőolaj, arany, ezüst, gyémánt, stb.

1.)  Az amerikaiak és szövetségeseik megtámadták Iraqot 2003-ban.
Annak ellenére hogy a háború előtt Irakban diktatúra volt, az emberek élete nagyobb biztonságban volt, mint Saddam bukása után vagyis most.

2.) Hogyan jutott, juttatta Amerika az ISIS fennhatósága alá Irakot?
Erről egy hosszabb cikkel készülök.

3.) Irak, Líbia, Szíria tönkre tételével, nem csak az amerikaiak húznak hasznot, hanem egész Európa is. Innentől két lehetősége van a művelt nyugatnak, vissza adni ezeknek az államoknak a békét és vissza adni, amit hasznot húztak ezeknek az embereknek a borzalmas sorsából!
"Az olaj ára 50%-al esett mióta az Iszlám Állam megszállta az országot, de még mindig 55 euró körül van, hordóként. Iraknak naponta 192 millió eurónyi jövedelme származik olajból, és ha azt gondolják, az európai kormányok valahogy nem profitáltak ebből, akár mint NATO tag, akár más szervezeteken keresztül, vagy mint felvásárló, akkor nagyon tévednek".

Tehát a világ "művelt" részének mindegy, hogy milyen áron él jól??? - by Lőrincz Erzsébet


So, we summarized a better fate worthy of a better fate worthy of Peoples and countries, Iraq, Libya, Syria XX. th century short story.
Please call the world's attention to the fact that it may have fallen not only in the countries mentioned above, but it can happen to anyone who has something natural resources, including oil, gold, silver, diamonds, etc.
1) Americans and their allies invaded Iraq in 2003.Despite the fact that before the war in Iraq was a dictatorship, people's lives were more secure than after the fall of Saddam that is now.
2) How he did, gave ISIS America under the authority of Iraq?I'm going about this in a long article.
3) Iraq, Libya, Syria destroying not only the Americans are benefiting, but also throughout Europe. From here you have two options educated in the west, to return these States peace and give back what these people benefited from a terrible fate!"The price of oil by 50% has fallen since the Islamic State had invaded the country, but there is still around 55 euros, bearing in. Iraq daily income of EUR 192 million comes from oil, and if they think European governments have somehow profited from this, either as a NATO member or through other organizations, or as a purchaser, they are very wrong. "
So "educated" part of the world no matter what price it right ??? - By Erzsébet Lőrincz

"The whole relationship together the money that families have at least one surviving"

You think everything is as easy to leave behind and just start somewhere in a foreign country, foreign people, foreign cultures between everything and start from scratch? - Ask the Iraqi Muhammad Abbass, who is currently living in Turkey.

The 28-year-old Muhammad language and translation graduated the University of Mosul in Iraq. In the sixth year, the US occupation after graduation in 2009, he left Iraq. His parents still live in Mosul. Since May 2014, when the State Islamic terrorists occupied the city, they have no connection with them.

Muhammad MA course in June this year, the Ankara Cankaya University majoring in English language and literature. A student residence permit with the completion of a master expired, another official status is not eligible. Currently living illegally in Turkey.

What life was like during the war in Iraq?

Muhammad: - I was 17 years old when the Americans and their allies attacked my country in 2003. Despite the fact that before the war in Iraq was a dictatorship, our life was more secure than after the fall of Saddam. 

A few months after the invasion of armed groups and militias were organized along different interests. They murdered Iraqis invaders, soldiers, civilians, often with each other. This was terrorizing everyone for a while, but then I got used to it somehow. 

Since 2003 100 people in more than a thousand killed these militias. Collaborator, a traitor cried out everyone who worked with the Americans and their allies in some form. Civilians are mainly doctors, pharmacists, business owners and translators were on target. 

The artists of the extreme Islamist groups Harami (forbidden, sinful) was declared, and chased them. I have a friend, guitar teacher and performer. He fled to Turkey in 2006 because Iraq had been executed in a public place to play. The same waiting and waiting for the singers, painters, dancers destiny. 

There were militias who were taking money from a month protecting civilians in search of well - if they did not pay, they simply murdered. Other groups specializing in kidnapping: if the relatives could not pay, his body cut into pieces, sometimes as food was prepared in front of the family's door. 

As well Among the different groups, the militias and the police and the militias and the Americans were constant fights. Everyone fought everyone, but the largest number of civilians died. Almost daily bombings, suicide attacks, often by a stray bullet could also easily grave benefit anyone. 

After a while, it seemed no logic behind the killings, deaths have been a number of possible causes and perpetrators as well.

Since the arrival of the Islamic State worsened the situation - at least until there was a government, and one group was not totalitarian power. Now, Mosul, and all the inhabitants of the Islamic state. In my parents I had not heard since last May.  

American occupation without all this does not happen. The war gave birth to Al-Qaedához similar extremist groups and Islamic states. The war gave birth to us refugees. 

During the occupation of university students were a simple student. How the war affected you? 

The US and allied troops were in need translators, especially when arrests during the civil houses were broken into. Therefore, my translation expertise after the betrayal of the various groups and militias who appeared in Mosul after the outbreak of war.

Initially, unidentified gunmen started assassinating a people who have helped or worked for the Allies. Then they found out that they behead their families and placed in front of the door of the heads, to set an example to others. 

In 2006, they murdered all the translators, who have taken the news that the Americans paid or reversed in the past. Often students have also been killed, whose only crime was that they learned of the translation department. The university during the four years of the three bombed our expertise.

After a while the massacres were randomized so that people had to invent reasons just to be able to normalize, inserted into the murders of their daily lives. If you are driving to work or school we saw dead people lying in the street, it was not the biggest events of the day. The fact of death was more important than the manner in which the victim died.

These photos are the one who did not live during the war, probably can not imagine. But this too could get used to. All they had to get used to it, otherwise how can you survive in his right mind?

When did you leave Iraq?

In 2009, after graduation. I am a single male child, my parents initially did not want to send. Then we have seen, the situation is getting worse and worse. My parents thought that after I got my diploma, will have a better chance to survive abroad. I came to Turkey, but I did not want to seek asylum because he would not have the chance to work legally. No income and no job, no life, no future.  

Among the refugees there who find a job illegally. This is a danger that you work hard for months, but the work never pays arise, because he knows that the refugees vulnerable: no work permit, so anything you can not do against the employer. A lot of my friends in Iraq and Afghanistan that have occurred in Turkey. 

Have you thought about the fact that you are traveling to Europe? 

It is not yet. The Iraqi refugees remain in 95% of the Middle East. I do not want to go to Europe illegally, because my family is still in Iraq, so I want to stay close to them as possible.

At the same time it is not easy to get to Europe without papers. If you need to get the ship, risking your life, to set out on the road alone is very difficult. If you join a network of smugglers, the 5-10 thousand euros is the way Turkey to Western Europe. I also heard smugglers who let you down after receiving the money.

Some people have got this money, there are people who sell everything, and the family can help. There are also the whole összepótol relationship to the family of at least one survivor. I have little money and not much kinship. I do not want to risk it.

As you know, Europe is not eager to see the refugees are afraid, lost their jobs, their livelihoods. What do you think about this? 

For the Europeans, who think they're going to Europe for benefits our economy, there is no idea about what life was like before the war in Iraq. Globally, Iraq olajtartalék- 5 and 6 of the country's oil production point of view. We produce 3.5 million barrels of oil per day.
The price of oil has fallen by 50% since the Islamic State had invaded the country, but there is still around EUR 55 per barrel. Iraq's daily income of EUR 192 million comes from oil, and if they think that some European governments have not benefited from this, as a NATO member or through other organizations, or as a purchaser, you are very wrong.
We, as Iraqis, it was a pretty good life before the war. We were not necessarily rich, but that was, that was enough. Most of the people in Iraq from 200 to 600 square meters of their house had, and almost every family had at least 50 square meters of garden.
The cities were every family car, so it was, whose two to three. Therefore, there is no public transport in the village on: do not need it. So the material conditions existed, and more importantly, there was the family, the graveyards of ancestors, our parents, our children.
You think so easy to leave all this behind and just start somewhere in a foreign country, foreign people, foreign cultures between everything and start from scratch? The majority of Iraqis that can only be exceeded if there is no other choice but to save his family and his own life.
Not to mention the fact that the way we can die at any time, even before we reach a safe country. The most Iraqis, who are here, in Turkey or in Europe or in connection with, eager to return to his home. Or if you do not have, or at least back to Iraq. Just waiting for the imminent danger pass, and from there to continue their lives where they left off. However, while the Islamic State in Iraq is not possible.
Many countries in the Middle Keletből benefit, and there is no incentive to be peace in the region. In our country the great powers and their allies playing field, the battles fought in our land for oil, power.
But this is our land our blood drawn in, our people dying of theirs live safely! Their children grow up, our men are dying before founding of a family. Our old man did not live in peace, to die in bed. This is fair?

What is your message to those who think that Europe has nothing to do with the refugees, who believe that Europe has no money to do so and those who do not want foreign cultures, religions people did not see their own country?

Among my acquaintances in Europe there are those who say they have enough trouble with the homeless and gypsies, you can not even take care of refugees. They say to me, you can not expect the governments to their citizens the taxpayer's money be spent to citizens of foreign countries.
But the same countries as the United States and its European allies, all the countries that supported the war in Iraq, sent troops has sold arms or otherwise aided the war, unleashing and sustaining - did not do the taxpayers' money?
Do you really think, just this so that you, citizens, pay taxes on their governments, who then this money wars are invested, such wars, which is one of the consequences of what our parents, our children, our brothers megyilkolják, but no regrets, not they want to save us who are trying to survive pretty much reserved for your tax war?
Well, we are not people? Just because a couple of thousand kilometers to the east are born, die, or at least suffer with in silence to avoid having other people in the lucky ones, those born in the west of us charged against conscience that we ask for help?
If we go back to the Second World War, you can tell you which country has built a fence and closed the borders to stop the people who fled Hitler from?
How would it feel if you should flee with their families, so that when other countries where there is no war, deliberately hindering the further access to a foreign country? It's strange to flee kellenene among people who hate and despise you even knowing?
If this is Europe, an Iraqi, Afghan, Syrian, not only in the Middle East will possess in a long time. What it is believed that God created all of the same material man. We do not want to be inferior caste as megtűrve. To work we want to contribute to society, which we accept, and live a dignified life, such as different. In the meantime, while there will be peace in our country. Then we return.
Asked Nago Zsuzsa



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