Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 30., vasárnap

............... cinkos, aki néma .... - ....... accomplice who is silent.......

Amire az Orbán-kormány, nyilas nemzettestvérei segedelmével készül, az háborút készít elő.   -ez a magyar nyelvű oldal.

Horthy's already here, is preparing Szálasi?

What the Orbán government, Sagittarius nation is willing, brothers, prepare for war. The bill submitted, the next week (!) Anyone can go, anything can take. Indeed, to You, dear reader! And they can carry whatever you need. 

 Any previous law and regulations invalid. Any area will be emptied. The refugees who crossed the border, expelled or is deemed to be in prison. If this ugly act was committed by several people at once can receive up to five years as well. The same amount devoted to a Hungarian citizen who can help them. If someone is legally triggered, immediately ruled a camp set up at the border, he did not leave.

All of this is built up with the news that a database installed Orban, check that everybody facial image. We are a step away from the informer system reboot. Hungarians will whisper into their fellowmen, push up, give it up. The people are not refugees, they are to blame, according to a government spokesman own fates. If they die in a van, even. 

Orban did not even think about that instead of the government of any relatives hated every Hungarian refugees, or any other group will decide once considered to be "grateful for" the welcome into the many Hungarians could die. Only care about today: I think the majority of Hungarians do not like the refugees and their fears, concerns supply (patients, aggressive, terrorists) suppresses the attention of emigration, poverty and his buddy circles overflowing from theft. This well today think, but túlpörög and threaten their homeland, which has been neither so stops in front of the civilized countries of the world. 

But now it made the fascism itself. Statáriális legislation follows a fierce fight the wind right Jobbik voters came in. 

We're now going to live with the range commands, reservists may force the service, people can hunt down armed shabby, miserable people. Orbánjugendet be sent to hunt the Orban parliamentary majority and the list is communicated with the European Union that they are to blame for everything.

A totally unscrupulous conspiracy Hungary's holding. Everyone will have an accomplice who leaves it.

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