Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 6., csütörtök

– Nem ember, aki nem segít ezeken! --- No person who does not help these!

Ma, kicsit ünnepelünk együtt az egyiptomi néppel. :) Óriási tettet hajtottak végre, 9 hónap alatt felépítették a csatornát, amely összeköti a Földközi tengert a Vörös tengerrel és a világot. --- Today, we celebrate a little with the Egyptian people. Huge deed was carried out, built in 9 months the channel that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and the world.

Köszönjük egyiptomi emberek! ♥ --- Thank Egyptian people!
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Most jön a szokásos "fekete leves". Nem tudom, honnan van az emberekben ennyi gyűlölet? Talán a sikertelen életük hozza magával vagy a félelem az ismeretlentől vagy mindkettő. Minden nációban van jó ember és rossz ember, így vagyunk ezzel mi magyarok is.
Öröm látni a rengeteg civil önkéntest, akik önzetlenül pénzt, időt nem kímélve segítenek a hazánkba érkező menekülteken a magyar kormány helyett. A magyar kormány csak a menekültek segítésére kapott pénzt veszi fel az ENSZ-től és az Európai Uniótól. Minden népnek vannak élősködő tagjai, Magyarországon ilyenek a politikusok, a fő élősködő Kocsis Máté -  magyar jogász, politikus, országgyűlési képviselő, a Fidesz frakcióvezető-helyettese, Budapest VIII. kerületének polgármestere.---
Now comes the usual "black soup". I do not know where the people are so much hatred? Perhaps the failure of their life or bring the fear of the unknown, or both. All nations of people are good and bad people, so we are with our Hungarians.
Joy to see the many civilian volunteers who selflessly money, time sparing no help to the refugees coming to our country instead of the Hungarian government. The Hungarian government can only take up to assist refugees received money from the United Nations and the European Union.
All people are members of parasites, such politicians in Hungary, the main parasite Máté Kocsis - Hungarian lawyer, politician, member of parliament, Fidesz parliamentary group deputy Budapest VIII. Mayor circumference. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

Találtam egy cikket, amelyet szeretnék ma megosztani önökkel. Boda András írása a "Népszabadság" című napilapban jelent meg. --- I found an article that I would like to share with you today. András Boda writing in the daily newspaper "People's freedom" was published.

It became a refugee in Budapest II. Pope John Paul II Square. Afghanistan, Syria, hundreds of Pakistani refugees camps were beaten in the park. Hopes, passions, fears, and altruistic helpers shocking fates few hundred square meters.

Every minute a long line of Józsefváros II. Before Wednesday afternoon at the corner of Pope John Paul II Square standing drinking fountain. Afghan, Pakistani, Syrian women and children are waiting for their turn to palackjaikat may fill. At the end of the five-year series of the same brown-skinned, black-haired boy fidget, and is only available at a moment when middle-aged man steps in front: a bottle of soda in his hand print, and encouraging smile, pull it out. He then moves away from the kid without a word, and only then will you see the back of the bright-colored waistcoat caption: joseph urban workers.  

- No person who does not help these!

  - he says he hooked his stick and garbage pickup points behind the water lounges. Post-apocalyptic picture is revealed: a newly renovated park near the East Railway Station and all corners of smaller and larger groups of people to see reflected, it may be 250-300 players. Cardboard, blankets or simply lying in the grass men, women, infants For many,. The larger half-naked children running around, just screaming or splashing themselves on the grass is one of the locsolónál. The bushes, fences to dry clothes, it is just one wash underwear, black soot in the long road mocskosodott jeans. Others have trodden cipőjükből eluded left to rest their feet. 
 On foot almost through. Three months ago I started a home from Afghanistan - Sarh debut as the English say, a 18 year old guy who says, fearing for his life because of the fighting done at journey to finally settle down in Sweden. He says the amount corresponding to EUR 1,500 gathered his family to Iran, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary to reach into Scandinavia, but this money has barely anything left. When we ask for help if needed, to pay smugglers, striking hard whipping, answers: 
- The three-month road food and drink is barely enough for ...

- Sarhad report of a young Hungarian girl interrupts: plastic bags comes up in the hands of some of the refugees. Edit the Deák "Let's help with the refugees' activist groups soap, razor, kézfertőtlenít share, bubble giving a present to the children. Not a minute goes by, children Afghan army mouth to ear length, shouting chasing bubbles accommodation in the area. A little farther another volunteer, Simándi etelka dishes. Several people have been good friend greet the two helpers.

- About three weeks ago they appeared in the area of the first refugees, but in recent days the number has grown by leaps and bounds. Quickly change their group after two or three days are always on, try to reach the West. Then they always come new. And still more are coming - says Edith Deak, who lépdelve, almost everyone smiles among the refugees, and when he tells us that early in the afternoon there will be hot food too, people have been thanking the good news as well. - Very nice, polite and grateful - it is voluntary, and mentioned: 
  - Earlier this week we gave them garbage bag, collected their waste. 

 As shown in the activist fled, and the space strange new life as the district's mayor, Máté Kocsis, who wrote on Facebook: "The newly renovated II. Pope John Paul II, our space is completely ruined the népvándorlók. Tents are built, they put fire in the park are the eyes, őrjöngenek, they steal, you're late, damaged. That is human excrement has never been a public area. "Though really see trash, the grass trampled in many places actually, so frenzied destruction, destruction is no trace of the square. The head of the district public space surveillance, Mustache Francis, with whom we meet on the edge of the park, trying to prove the damage with photographs. The first picture shows a pressed, bent piece of fence to see. The other side: it is next to the trash cans full of garbage pile is. The third floor and the fourth floor at the foot of a tree and a bush captured pile of excrement on display.

- No need to wonder that if only two mobile toilets had hundreds of people - he says later, one of gardeners working in the park. - The refugees are here for weeks, but only eight were mobilvécét Wednesday.

- You do not need a mobile toilet, but that taken away from these people - engaging in conversation with a stroller pusher and four-five-year-old boy walking, woman living nearby, who vehemently report about the experiences. - Horror what's going on here! Now I know not to bring down the child to the playground, because every shitty. It is brutal, one Afghan boy shoved my child climbing Karol. Adults shouting, dirty, smelly, destroying the park. Although I do not agree insult, not just comforting to come in the evening in addition to the hundreds of strangers, go.

The space is a relatively quiet corner of the nine-member family made camp. As if piknikeznének: two large blankets are the parents of small children, are in a heap beside them later canned food donation. The only thing we learn from them to Afghanistan, Kabul came because neither of them do not speak a foreign language. We've just left behind them when they first an 8-year-old boy, Amil, then 14-year-old sister, sister, Zahra come to our aid: the perfect Hungarians say they live close by here and happy to help interpret. As told in their families are also in Afghanistan, mostly on foot also came to Hungary in 2009, and since then they live here, go to school here, and has also acquired citizenship.

- How old is the baby? - Is devoted to the issue of the Afghan interpreters little woman who rock a baby in her hands
- Three months - he says, and as if to prove only that it is not the way the world was, torque adds: - Setayes even born in Kabul. 
The woman and her husband from the report shows how many of their compatriots, they are also fleeing from the war, a better life started. They sold their apartment, consisting bear the cost of the trip. Been to bus boarded the ship in Turkey were also, but mostly walking, and slowly, but getting closer to reach their destinations, Germany.

- Which city would live with pleasure?
- Not one city is known there, but anyway, the point is that we in Germany - says the head of the family who worked on building his country house says.

When we ask the family how long it should continue to be in the field, and by the time, they are waiting for anyone, suddenly becoming withdrawn. Hesitantly, they say, they might start a few more days. Finally, tell me: $ 5,000 canned ran out onto the road, and have to wait for a friend already on their way from Afghanistan who makes money for them and help them, because they already know the way. How far we get, the head of the family at the same time fearing and hoping to ask:

- From here it is easy we get to Germany, right?

Meanwhile on the other side of the square a while attacking the "Let's help with the refugees" members of the group come from plastic bowls portioned hot food. People assault the activists, who sometimes have to throw out forcefully patience refugees. So too will run out 85 portions and two hundred pieces of bread and a half minutes. Already packed activists when he enters a homeless man approached them. They smell of alcohol, and when he learns that he has not had food, howling fury deliver himself:

- Filthy crap this whole world!


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