Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 23., vasárnap

..... that 8 million tons of plastic waste is to be the world's oceans ....

Műanyag szeméttől fuldokló bálna kért segítséget a halászoktól

Nem könnyű megszólalni, amikor az ember azt olvassa hogy 8 millió tonna műanyag szemét van az óceánokban.
El kellene gondolkodni nekünk embereknek azon, hogy mivé tettük a gyönyörű Földünket?
Az is elgondolkodtató, hogy meddig mehet ez a környezet szennyezés, környezet rombolás?

Én azt gondolom és azt kérem minden embertől, hogy azonnal, most fejezzük be a környezet szennyezést, rombolást!

1. lépés: Szűrt vizet igyunk, ne műanyag palackosat - ezzel hónapok alatt nagyon sokat segítenénk a Földnek és saját magunknak.

2. lépés: Amikor vásárolni megyünk mindig vigyünk magunkkal textil szatyrot, ha nincs nálunk még sem textil szatyor, akkor papír szatyrot válasszunk ne műanyagot. - by Lőrincz Erzsébet


It is not easy to speak when you're reading it that 8 million tonnes of plastic waste in the oceans.
We should think about us the people that we Advances in the beautiful our Earth?
It also makes you wonder how long this can go on environmental pollution, environmental destruction?

I think and I pray every man, immediately, now finish the pollution, destruction!

Step 1: Filtered water to drink, not plastic bottles Osato - During this month we help a lot of the Earth and ourselves.

Step 2: When we go to buy textile bag always take with us when we do not even textile bag, you can not choose plastic paper bag. - by Lőrincz Erzsébet


Plastic garbage choking asked for help from the Whale fishermen

Did you know that whales can be elephant weighing their language, and their hearts are sized car, but the throat is incredibly small? For example, blue whales - the largest animals on Earth - about the size of the throat, like a beach ball, so they feed on krill and plankton zoo.

So it is not surprising that such a large and beautiful creature he found a group of fishermen in the Gulf of Middle Harbour in Sydney, where a fishing line and plastic bag in his mouth struggled. One man, Ivan Iskendrian could lean over the edge of the boat and was able to remove the waste from the whale's mouth. 

"It was on the left side of her mouth ... it seemed as if to take," - said Iskendrian. He added that the whale seemed to be appreciated for what you did when odacsapkodta the fin in the water. 

Ron Kovacs managed to record the meeting on video, who also tried to ease the whale. "We had a big scar on his back, some fishing line and two plastic bag on his head," - he said. 

"Has appeared on the head, so that could be achieved, and tried to remove the garbage from our ships is a little harder because we were a bit higher, I tried to catch the bag, but I missed." - He said. "He later came up to the boat and showed his head when it has been removed from the bags and fishing line. It was as if he wanted to take off." 

Removing fishingline from Southern Right Whale at Roseville

This particular whale seems to be endangered, Tegan AL Mortimer, according to marine biologist. He explained that these whales are found throughout the temperate and sub-tropical southern hemisphere, and is related to several nations in danger species, the northern simabálnával Pacific and the North Atlantic whale smooth.

Mortimer, who is investigating the effects of plastic pollution on whales, including humpback whales in the Massachusetts Bay said that this story reminds us that these creatures in our "back yard in our" living longer and having a serious impact on them of human activities.

"Globally, the main threat to whales, dolphins and porpoises are the tangle of fishing equipment, boats and caused the injuries," - he said. "The impact of plastic pollution these animals is unclear, but we know, as this example shows, to interact with the plastic waste. The plastic in the ocean is something which affects everybody."

A recent study found that 8 million tons of plastic waste is to be the world's oceans every year, or as Mortimer says: "This is equivalent to five plastic shopping bag filled with all the beach every half meter length of the world."

It is quite clear that we all need to do something about the plastic waste. "Only by reducing personal plastic footprint through recycling of products, high-impact plastic in the ocean access arrangements," - said Mortimer.

Mortimer also said that if someone finds himself in a similar situation, is forced to help a marine animal, it can be very dangerous. Most sites are already trained responders who can call people if you encounter a marine animal in distress, he said. 



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