Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 10., hétfő

Indictment for the Earth ....part 2 ----Egypt is a gift of the Nile .....

Egyiptom a Nílus ajándéka.....
Nem tanultunk az Aral tó tragédiájából......
újabb merényletre készülünk mi emberek a természet ellen, most a Nílust akarjuk, tönkre tenni,  szemét teleppé változtatni .....

Ki az, aki ezt érti?

Az embereknek nagyon nehéz szembenézni a károkozásukkal, mert az Aral tó tönkre tételét sokkal kevesebben olvasták, mint úgy általában a többi bejegyzést.

Ha, nem fejezzük be a természet szennyezését kb. 50 év múlva, nem lesz ivóvizünk, nem lesz termő földje az emberiségnek..... ---  

Egypt is a gift of the Nile .....

We do not learn from the Aral Sea tragedy ......
Our people are preparing for further attacks against nature, now the Nile want to ruin, waste battery change .....

Who understands this?

The people are very difficult to face the károkozásukkal, because the destruction of the Aral Sea is much less read than it is usually the other entries.

If not finish the pollution of nature around. 50 years from now, there will be no drinking water, arable land will not have to mankind .....

This is not fiction, this is unfortunately the bitter reality .... by Erzsébet Lőrincz

A Nílus mint szennyvízcsatorna – ez a jövő? --- The Nile as a sewer - this is the future?

Affecting more than 10 countries, almost 7,000 kilometers of the Nile in Africa and one of the symbols of Egypt, a substantial part of the latter on the banks of the population of 80 million, live in it. A perfect Egyptian turistakirándulásból can not be left out of a wonderful cruise on the river, but is becoming increasingly polluted, "dirtier" and not a rare sight either set of eyes floating in the northern section. In the south, the city of Aswan on Lake Nasser when the current photos and reports that the emphasis is still visibly clean, it might as well be drinking out of it. But what reaches the Mediterranean Sea, dirt, garbage, full of toxic substances, and this not only destroys the spectacle, part of the river fish species have become extinct and the rest of the growth is strongly influenced by a variety of industrial poisons.

This may confirm any fishing around Cairo, as compared to the number a decade ago, a significantly smaller meals, fewer fish in the Nile, and simultaneously the amount of garbage is increasing. And it does not dispute, the Egyptian Environment Ministry did not refute the facts, and even made regularly surveys the state of the river. These can be seen that the pollution has three main sources: the uncleaned sewage into the river gave way, and certainly very polluting activities, tourism is also a major factor (not the tourists, but mostly I think of them serving industry), agriculture and industry. Let alone in the villages, but even in the big cities have no sewage treatment (if there is not too significant a role), so every day around 8-10 million cubic meters of polluted water into the river, which the immeasurable amount of pesticides, fertilizers mixed with agricultural waste water and industrial poisons combined.

Strange to say, but really floating plastic bottles are the smallest problem. The upper section of the river has been the residents know that you can not drink from the river, or even the majority of fish consumption should also try to avoid, but unfortunately the poorest are not left is to pull drinking water and fish in the Nile. They are subject, however, is not so much a waste, but rather to industrial toxins pose the greatest threat, which is millions of cubic meters annually into the river without supervision and regulation. The ministry moreover, in addition to the pollution, poisoning admits he denies that these health would be dangerous, according to the authorities because the river everywhere, every measure of the numbers within the limits produces does not compromise around the river and from the living, in addition to reports of fishermen Unlike state that has never been so many fish in the Nile, as it is now, just too much of a fisherman on the river each section.

However, not so long ago, American and Egyptian researchers joint work has been done on the Nile and found that some of the substances in wastewater and agricultural waste water are truly an inspiration to fish reproduction and growth, but this marks the approach to Cairo is becoming increasingly difficult to discover. The facts can not argue, more and more fishermen, more and more garbage and pollution, fewer and fewer fish. The 25 kilometers south of Cairo Hawamdia fishermen living in the city unanimously profess not to over-fishing, but also in many industrial toxins is the consumption of fish in the background, in addition to increasingly damaged the equipment of fishermen because of all the garbage, sleeping well.

The ministry claims El-Masri megcáfolandó recently in the newspaper itself paid a research which clearly showed the ministry's lying, including cyanide, ammonia or the amount of nickel in the water many times in international and national limits. The situation is even possible is critical, because today nearly 300 thousand fishermen working on the Nile, the number of fishing in some way bound to (families, service industries, etc.) Is close to 3-4 million citizens. And then there is the tourism industry may be undermined, because who wants to sail in a sewer.

But it is not only Egypt's problem this year, cases have also been Sudan, which turned out to be extremely harmful for industrial poisons reached the Nile, for example, in January showed that the Petrodar oil company for months yielded petroleum residues processing waste into the river, some of which are highly toxic It was. Back in Egypt, the wastewater treatment would be very important, but most lying Nile and the city could not afford such a costly system to maintain, so no other than straight, uncleaned into the river to push the waste water, which can cause assorted problems. And despite invest in creating such a site in a city, considering the rapidly growing population it will not last long to satisfy the needs of a cleaning

But before I fall in Egypt, fanatic travelers, it must be emphasized also that the situation is not as serious as I outlined above, a significant portion of the river is still relatively clean, but in the north, near Cairo and Luxor are already plenty of problems. The situation is not hopeless, but if you do not take steps, very serious problems can develop.


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