Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 28., péntek

Children died in the horrific crime ....

 Még mindig ott tartok, ahol tegnap. Nem tudok, nem akarok, nem merek belegondolni abba, hogy ilyen "emberek", mint ez az teherautó vezető, közöttünk élnek. - by Lőrincz Erzsébet

Gyerekek is meghaltak a szörnyű bűncselekményben - a magyar nyelvű cikk

Still I where yesterday. I can not, I do not want, do not dare stop to think that these "people" as this is the truck leader, they live among us. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

Seventy-one illegal immigrant's body was hidden by the Austrian A4 highway truck discovered. 59 men, eight women and four children among the dead - announced Hans Peter Doskozil, the provincial police chief Eisenstadt, Burgenland. He told Hungarian colleagues yesterday and today, seven people were arrested, but three of the men turns to suspicion. The two arrests in Bulgaria, a Bulgarian-Lebanese man is. Police said the driver, the owner of the vehicle, and the two men were captured, who led the truck. The truck was a little girl died under two years, while the three-year-old boy 8-9. 

Earlier, the Kronen Zetung was informed that no children were found in the truck.

In the car were also found documents that indicate that the Syrians are among the victims, but I do not know that everyone there received e-- said the chief of police in Burgenland.

The refugees will probably tried to get out of the truck. This is suggested to scratches and damage to the interior of the vehicle.

The dead were transported to an autopsy, the immediate cause of death forensic experts investigate. This may take several days.
(Radio Klub)

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