Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 8., szombat

The Islamic State of seduction is greater than ever

 Az Iszlám Állam csábítása nagyobb, mint valaha
Olvasom a most közreadandó cikket a döbbenet és a félelem lesz uralkodott el rajtam. Pedig, higgyék el nem vagyok félős, sem gyáva.  Hiszek, hittem mindig azt, hogy a jóság erősebb a rossznál, de most picit elbizonytalanodtam .... Lássuk hát, miért is ez az elbizonytalanodás .... --- I read a recently published article to be given to the dismay and fear will be ruled by me. And, I might believe I'm not afraid, nor a coward. I believe, I still believe that goodness is stronger than rossznál, but I hesitated a bit .... Let's see why this uncertainty ....- by Erzsébet Lőrincz

A írás szerzője Loretta Napoleoni közgazdász / magyar fordította: Sebestyén Eszter 

The author Loretta Napoleoni an economist / Hungarian translated by Esther Sebastian

 The Islamic State of seduction is greater than ever

What works well for caliphate? Pragmatism and modernity - these are the two main features that distinguish the current armed jihadi groups, and because of which the number of followers is growing rapidly. Most alluring incentives armed nationalist, the Muslim promise of utopia. All of this - rather than terrorism - in the guise of patriotism. The significance of ideological caliphate seems indisputable: expanded its boundaries in 12 months, and is now seeking to consolidate.

It was expected that the first anniversary of the proclamation of the Caliphate, on 29 June, following terrorist acts to be committed. The method in the past year is the same: more different nature and scale attack in the West and the East. Europe was no need for any further scheduled for Sept. 11-nor Atocha massacre. In order to sow panic among the population, it was enough to behead a man, "the name of the Islamic State". The most vocal of the Tunisian tourist massacre provoked, while Kuwait and Saudi Arabia's Shiite mosques blasted.

The driving force behind all the attacks in the caliph a year ago, the world population is Sunni addressed to the sentence: "This is your State Otok, come build; if not - wherever you are - do everything possible to help it, "This has been echoed around the world, and has greatly increased the number of followers in these words.. Many people travel to get the Islamic state Measured fight the enemy. Paradoxically, most of them from the point of Tunisia, with a single country, actually won the "Arab Spring" (Tunisia "jasmine revolution" called for. - Translator's note) in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Kuwait are also many young people want to join the Islamic States and so these countries are frequent attacks against Shiites. 

A year after the birth of the Islamic State of seduction is greater than ever. It is a disturbing fact that you need to make gondolkodtasson us that what makes a successful ISIS. 

The Islamic State of wide-ranging flexibility can take advantage of the new features in cyberspace, capable of intercepting satellite communications, and can effectively defend against modern weapons. The caliphate is more like "Star Trek" -nek like Mullah Omar in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden.

The Islamic State = ISIS two main characteristics - with which armed jihadi groups so far lacked - pragmatism and modernity. The caliphate is able to take advantage of the weak points of the enemy and know its strengths. The Napoleonic tactics enabled him to extend the boundaries consolidate the acquired areas, it is indisputable icon of the global jihadist movement.  

The management of the Islamic State is well aware of the enemy, as has been fighting since 2003 against him. The caliphate of Saddam Hussein's army generals and intelligence of the members came from. Many were trained at the beginning of their careers in the West, during the Iran-Iraq War. All of them are left without work taking Baghdad, when Paul Brenner, the new governor of the state, the entire army and police eliminated. That was the first mistake, because the Pentagon only cleansing promoted, but the Shiite allies persuaded Dick Cheney US Vice-President to lay off anyone. The resulting vacuum Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister (2006-2014) the military confused miliciává züllesztette Shiite, and Saddam Hussein's top strategists Al Zarquaihoz, the supreme leader of jihadists joined. As a result, in less than ten years, the situation has deteriorated to the Caliphate is a very well-prepared army began to fight against an enthusiastic but disorganized Shiite armed gang.

Jack Keane - who took part in 2007, the design of US troops in the area of strengthening - agrees with this analysis. In your opinion are those of the Americans, who trained the commanders and the soldiers were trained to use the most modern weapons. It should also be noted that for years the new Iraqi army materiel is sold on the black market supplied by the Americans. It is estimated that the American taxpayers' money has been paid out so definitely the wrong purposes 42 billion dollars.

The second mistake was that they thought guaranteed by the drones and American modern intelligence technology is sufficient to allow the incompetent and corrupt army win the war, and Baghdad gateway (Ramadi) conquest initially confirmed this idea and after a few weeks created order in society, the Islamic State took the town by surprise, because a sandstorm blinded the drones and satellites. A tank attack Iraqi security forces in a hole, thus allowing the jihadis that the roofs can plant the first black and white flags. The Iraqi soldiers fled the same way as the previous summer at Mosul, leaving uniforms, their weapons on the battlefield.

The third mistake was that they assumed the caliphate is not supported by the population, as it is an umpteenth, dictatorial subjugation and oppression will be re-considered. The Greek and Roman ruins publicly executed in the city of Palmira rich Aszadhoz and forces loyal to deliver basic infrastructure, water and electricity. They organized the running of schools and hospitals, and allowed traders to supply Raqqah.

In recent years, it conquered large cities, such as Mosul, Islamic State of normal everyday life tries to create political conditions for the population, and great flexibility demonstrated by against certain communities. In Fallujah, in 2014, the caliphate is not pulled up the banner for several weeks until the local leaders have not discussed the conditions for the operation of the city. This strategy bore fruit in each of the new states and beyond, such as the Muslim women in the West toborozásáért exchange for a quiet family life and good social relations offer a jihadi hero's side, who was the founder of the caliphate. For those of you who want to fight, just set up a special armed brigades composed of women. Those who malinéz a woman doctor, like Sham, I want to continue with their profession, private clinics and hospitals available to them exclusively for women.

Nationalist carrot: the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria weapon optimized to stimulate nationalist, that is, the struggle against dictatorial regimes and western Shiite allies. The West has not understood that religious fundamentalism has undergone a genetic mutation. For many, the mere experience is attractive to promising Muslim realization of utopia, a Sunni nation-state is established.

Patriotism, not terrorism: so that the expats and the caliphate is also popular among insiders and enticing to be the Islamic State, and they should talk to them about what they do, the patriotism, and not mere terrorism.

The caliphate is a year-long success - and it is struggling against a broad coalition failures - indicate that the Islamic State of novelty features are still not able to understand those who want to destroy it.




2015. augusztus 7., péntek

Így néz ki a rabszolga - árlista --- It looks like the slave - price list

Éjszakákat nem alszom a melegtől - szokatlan hőség tombol Magyarországon, így ráérek gondolkodni. Mindannyian tudjuk, látjuk hogy mi lett a világból, azért, mert mi jót akaró emberek nem emeltük fel a szavunkat tömegesen a rossz ellen. Talán nem késő még a jó embereknek összefogni a világon és jóra fordítani a világot, hogy egy élhető társadalmat hagyjunk a gyerekeinkre, unokáinkra. Ez a mostani világ, már élhetetlen .... ezt bizonyítja a következő ENSZ jelentés. --- I do not sleep nights in the heat - unusual heat raging in Hungary, so I have time to think. We all know what we have in the world, because of our well-meaning people did not raise our voices against the masses of the poor.
Maybe it is not too late even good people do good to unite the world and given to the world, to leave a livable society, our children, our grandchildren. This present world, has been shiftless .... evidenced in the following UN report. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz


Who can afford to buy slaves in the ISIS? What is it worth a little boy, and how much a big girl? The UN special envoy was talking about New York, where a price list is presented.

 They traded with the girls, as a barrel of oil - Zainab Bangura says, the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy. And speaking from a list, by what he saw in Iraq - those items are included in the slave market prices. The most expensive is not for young women. The little boys around a year to sell the best. Dealer of the ISIS, the buyers of its militants and its rich Middle Easterners.

Zainab Bangura, with the deal with sexual violence, committed by the crisis zones. The New York described impossible to verify the authenticity of the list, but he thinks there is no doubt added to the listed prices reflect real transactions. And it also sets out what it's worth, according to the ISIS. The 1-9 year old children 165 dollars in Iraqi dinars, the teenage girls 124 dollars over 20 years and a sharp fall in price. In today's dollar exchange rate of 165 HUF 47 thousand.
"A girl of five or six different men may also be sold. But there are also some that his family can buy back the abducted children and women thousands of dollars in measurable ransom". First sever those commanders who they want for themselves, then bid on the rich outsiders and the rest use a list price of warriors. 

Bangura, who was himself a Muslim and former Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone, says he can not fight the more than 200 thousand square kilometers ruling Syria and Iraq terrorist organization, the ISIS counter as against any rebel group. This would radically new formations and new challenges. Army soldier with the model built and led an organized state. What many people do not want to miss, because they feel that legalized this terrible organization.

Covering the brutality propagálásából also forged an advantage for himself. He've Kerry says Crawford, who is a professor at the University of Virginia. "If you and your group are doing something that is taboo, then, is to do it together with you to create an alliance. Sexual violence is really fear in the population "Then he adds:. Committed by soldiers rape a long history. Not so long ago, in the 1990s in Europe, the former Yugoslavia also operated violence in the Yugoslav war camps.

The ISIS is now standard practice to those of the conquered areas, where Sunni Muslims do not live in attempts to compensate, and if it fails, the prisoner managed Christians, jazidikat, shiitake. And it serves God as a holy war to sell, which is not without effect in other parts of the world Muslims, because many people want to be part of this, when the Middle East are going to fight for ISIS to offer. 

Own up machinery and computer programs "- says the Islamic state Bangura. "Separate manual to how to deal with these women. Marriage offices are to register with the 'marriage' of bought-girls with women. They have a price list".

Last year he appeared in a video in which a slave market gunmen chatted about which Noer how much they would. In November, many have talked about the price list as well. Then they said, it is impossible to prove its authenticity. Now the senior United Nations envoy says the spot after seeing the list, safely claim to be the real thing. And it is in use.  

I just got the news: ISIS executes 19 girls for refusing to have sex with fighters as UN envoy Reveals how sex slaves are 'peddled like barrels of petrol'


2015. augusztus 6., csütörtök

– Nem ember, aki nem segít ezeken! --- No person who does not help these!

Ma, kicsit ünnepelünk együtt az egyiptomi néppel. :) Óriási tettet hajtottak végre, 9 hónap alatt felépítették a csatornát, amely összeköti a Földközi tengert a Vörös tengerrel és a világot. --- Today, we celebrate a little with the Egyptian people. Huge deed was carried out, built in 9 months the channel that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and the world.

Köszönjük egyiptomi emberek! ♥ --- Thank Egyptian people!
* * *

Most jön a szokásos "fekete leves". Nem tudom, honnan van az emberekben ennyi gyűlölet? Talán a sikertelen életük hozza magával vagy a félelem az ismeretlentől vagy mindkettő. Minden nációban van jó ember és rossz ember, így vagyunk ezzel mi magyarok is.
Öröm látni a rengeteg civil önkéntest, akik önzetlenül pénzt, időt nem kímélve segítenek a hazánkba érkező menekülteken a magyar kormány helyett. A magyar kormány csak a menekültek segítésére kapott pénzt veszi fel az ENSZ-től és az Európai Uniótól. Minden népnek vannak élősködő tagjai, Magyarországon ilyenek a politikusok, a fő élősködő Kocsis Máté -  magyar jogász, politikus, országgyűlési képviselő, a Fidesz frakcióvezető-helyettese, Budapest VIII. kerületének polgármestere.---
Now comes the usual "black soup". I do not know where the people are so much hatred? Perhaps the failure of their life or bring the fear of the unknown, or both. All nations of people are good and bad people, so we are with our Hungarians.
Joy to see the many civilian volunteers who selflessly money, time sparing no help to the refugees coming to our country instead of the Hungarian government. The Hungarian government can only take up to assist refugees received money from the United Nations and the European Union.
All people are members of parasites, such politicians in Hungary, the main parasite Máté Kocsis - Hungarian lawyer, politician, member of parliament, Fidesz parliamentary group deputy Budapest VIII. Mayor circumference. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

Találtam egy cikket, amelyet szeretnék ma megosztani önökkel. Boda András írása a "Népszabadság" című napilapban jelent meg. --- I found an article that I would like to share with you today. András Boda writing in the daily newspaper "People's freedom" was published.

It became a refugee in Budapest II. Pope John Paul II Square. Afghanistan, Syria, hundreds of Pakistani refugees camps were beaten in the park. Hopes, passions, fears, and altruistic helpers shocking fates few hundred square meters.

Every minute a long line of Józsefváros II. Before Wednesday afternoon at the corner of Pope John Paul II Square standing drinking fountain. Afghan, Pakistani, Syrian women and children are waiting for their turn to palackjaikat may fill. At the end of the five-year series of the same brown-skinned, black-haired boy fidget, and is only available at a moment when middle-aged man steps in front: a bottle of soda in his hand print, and encouraging smile, pull it out. He then moves away from the kid without a word, and only then will you see the back of the bright-colored waistcoat caption: joseph urban workers.  

- No person who does not help these!

  - he says he hooked his stick and garbage pickup points behind the water lounges. Post-apocalyptic picture is revealed: a newly renovated park near the East Railway Station and all corners of smaller and larger groups of people to see reflected, it may be 250-300 players. Cardboard, blankets or simply lying in the grass men, women, infants For many,. The larger half-naked children running around, just screaming or splashing themselves on the grass is one of the locsolónál. The bushes, fences to dry clothes, it is just one wash underwear, black soot in the long road mocskosodott jeans. Others have trodden cipőjükből eluded left to rest their feet. 
 On foot almost through. Three months ago I started a home from Afghanistan - Sarh debut as the English say, a 18 year old guy who says, fearing for his life because of the fighting done at journey to finally settle down in Sweden. He says the amount corresponding to EUR 1,500 gathered his family to Iran, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary to reach into Scandinavia, but this money has barely anything left. When we ask for help if needed, to pay smugglers, striking hard whipping, answers: 
- The three-month road food and drink is barely enough for ...

- Sarhad report of a young Hungarian girl interrupts: plastic bags comes up in the hands of some of the refugees. Edit the Deák "Let's help with the refugees' activist groups soap, razor, kézfertőtlenít share, bubble giving a present to the children. Not a minute goes by, children Afghan army mouth to ear length, shouting chasing bubbles accommodation in the area. A little farther another volunteer, Simándi etelka dishes. Several people have been good friend greet the two helpers.

- About three weeks ago they appeared in the area of the first refugees, but in recent days the number has grown by leaps and bounds. Quickly change their group after two or three days are always on, try to reach the West. Then they always come new. And still more are coming - says Edith Deak, who lépdelve, almost everyone smiles among the refugees, and when he tells us that early in the afternoon there will be hot food too, people have been thanking the good news as well. - Very nice, polite and grateful - it is voluntary, and mentioned: 
  - Earlier this week we gave them garbage bag, collected their waste. 

 As shown in the activist fled, and the space strange new life as the district's mayor, Máté Kocsis, who wrote on Facebook: "The newly renovated II. Pope John Paul II, our space is completely ruined the népvándorlók. Tents are built, they put fire in the park are the eyes, őrjöngenek, they steal, you're late, damaged. That is human excrement has never been a public area. "Though really see trash, the grass trampled in many places actually, so frenzied destruction, destruction is no trace of the square. The head of the district public space surveillance, Mustache Francis, with whom we meet on the edge of the park, trying to prove the damage with photographs. The first picture shows a pressed, bent piece of fence to see. The other side: it is next to the trash cans full of garbage pile is. The third floor and the fourth floor at the foot of a tree and a bush captured pile of excrement on display.

- No need to wonder that if only two mobile toilets had hundreds of people - he says later, one of gardeners working in the park. - The refugees are here for weeks, but only eight were mobilvécét Wednesday.

- You do not need a mobile toilet, but that taken away from these people - engaging in conversation with a stroller pusher and four-five-year-old boy walking, woman living nearby, who vehemently report about the experiences. - Horror what's going on here! Now I know not to bring down the child to the playground, because every shitty. It is brutal, one Afghan boy shoved my child climbing Karol. Adults shouting, dirty, smelly, destroying the park. Although I do not agree insult, not just comforting to come in the evening in addition to the hundreds of strangers, go.

The space is a relatively quiet corner of the nine-member family made camp. As if piknikeznének: two large blankets are the parents of small children, are in a heap beside them later canned food donation. The only thing we learn from them to Afghanistan, Kabul came because neither of them do not speak a foreign language. We've just left behind them when they first an 8-year-old boy, Amil, then 14-year-old sister, sister, Zahra come to our aid: the perfect Hungarians say they live close by here and happy to help interpret. As told in their families are also in Afghanistan, mostly on foot also came to Hungary in 2009, and since then they live here, go to school here, and has also acquired citizenship.

- How old is the baby? - Is devoted to the issue of the Afghan interpreters little woman who rock a baby in her hands
- Three months - he says, and as if to prove only that it is not the way the world was, torque adds: - Setayes even born in Kabul. 
The woman and her husband from the report shows how many of their compatriots, they are also fleeing from the war, a better life started. They sold their apartment, consisting bear the cost of the trip. Been to bus boarded the ship in Turkey were also, but mostly walking, and slowly, but getting closer to reach their destinations, Germany.

- Which city would live with pleasure?
- Not one city is known there, but anyway, the point is that we in Germany - says the head of the family who worked on building his country house says.

When we ask the family how long it should continue to be in the field, and by the time, they are waiting for anyone, suddenly becoming withdrawn. Hesitantly, they say, they might start a few more days. Finally, tell me: $ 5,000 canned ran out onto the road, and have to wait for a friend already on their way from Afghanistan who makes money for them and help them, because they already know the way. How far we get, the head of the family at the same time fearing and hoping to ask:

- From here it is easy we get to Germany, right?

Meanwhile on the other side of the square a while attacking the "Let's help with the refugees" members of the group come from plastic bowls portioned hot food. People assault the activists, who sometimes have to throw out forcefully patience refugees. So too will run out 85 portions and two hundred pieces of bread and a half minutes. Already packed activists when he enters a homeless man approached them. They smell of alcohol, and when he learns that he has not had food, howling fury deliver himself:

- Filthy crap this whole world!


2015. augusztus 5., szerda

Szóval az úgy volt, hogy elindultunk... -- So it was that we set ...

Egy, két hónapja fordult elő először velem, hogy örülök annak, hogy már nem vagyok fiatal. --- One, two months ago for the first time occurred to me that I am glad that I am no longer young.

Így nem fogok hosszú ideig élni ebben a szörnyű világban, amilyenné alakítottuk ezt a gyönyörű világot. ---So I'm not going to live a long time in this horrible world, such as that formed this beautiful world.

Mire gondolok? --- What I mean? 
A "Válasz" című lapban megjelent egy írás ezzel a címmel:  "Megszűnhet az Európát elözönlő menekültáradat legfőbb oka?  --- The journal "Reply" in a publication entitled: "Europe is the main reason for invading cease influx of refugees?

Az én kérdésiem erre? Megszűnik a Nyugat imperializmusa? Mert az a legfőbb ok és mozgató! Az Iszlám Állam csak következmény, akárcsak az Al-Kaida, vagy épp maguk a tálibok, akiket az USA fegyverzett még fel a szovjetek ellen!!! ---  My questions this? Western imperialism ceases to exist? Because the main cause and moving! The Islamic State is only the consequences, just like Al-Qaeda, the Taliban or even themselves, whom the US has armed against the Soviets !!! -by Erzsebet Lőrincz

Most L. Alex cikkét osztom meg önökkel. ---  Now Alex L. article I share with you

Nem lesz könnyű olvasmány, mert ezek a dolgok, iszonyú nehezek, össze kell fogni az egész világnak, hogy legyőzzük a rosszat. --- It will not be easy reading, because these things are awful hard, to pull together for the whole world to overcome evil.

Szóval az úgy volt, hogy elindultunk...

Persze az ember nem önszántából indul el csak úgy, bele a vakvilágba, kellett hozzá népünk bölcs vezére is, aki számára terhessé vált családom és porszemnyi személyem élete. Hazudnék, ha azt mondanám, hogy nem voltak figyelmeztető jelek, mert igenis voltak. Példának okáért, amikor a szeretett vezér által működtetett földalatti börtönben egy hétig kínoztak, mert megítélésük szerint nem adtam meg a kellő tiszteletet a kormánypárti katonák parancsnokának, és nem voltam elég alázatos. ---

So it was that we set ...

Of course one does not start his own accord only way into the blind world, our people had to wise leader, had become a burden to my family and molecule of a person's life. I'd be lying if I said that there were no warning signs, because they were very well. For example, when an underground prison run by the beloved leader was tortured for a week because I did not give it the due respect for the pro-government military commander, and I was not humble enough in their view.

Talán intő jelnek kellett volna azt is vennem, amikor szomszédomat és családját a nyílt utcán végezték ki, kezdve a legkisebb Abdullal, aki talán 3 éves lehetett. Az ember már csak olyan, hogy ragaszkodik a szülőföldjéhez bármennyire is nehéz az élet, és makacsul hajtogatja, hogy holnaptól jobb lesz. --- 

Perhaps it should have been a warning signal to buy is when my neighbor and his family were executed in the street, from the smallest Abdul, who perhaps 3 years old. The man had only to stick to their homeland no matter how hard life is, and obstinately insists that tomorrow will be better.

Viszont minden ember életében eljön az a pillanat, bármennyire fohászkodik az istenéhez, rá kell jönni, nincs tovább! Amikor az ember zokogva öleli magához alig tíz éves halott fiát, akinek életét nem egy gellert kapott lövedék oltotta ki, hanem egy unatkozó, teljesen mindegy kihez tartozó katona, aki szórakozásból mellbe lőtte! ---  However, each person's life, the moment comes, no matter how much he prays to god, you have to realize there is no further! When the sobbing man embraces only ten years old dead son, whose life is not a ricocheted bullet killed up but a bored, no matter for whom soldier who shot in the chest for fun!

Amikor ott térdelsz az úton, öledben gyermeked feje és rájössz, hogy az a világ, amiben hittél, éltél végképp eltűnt, amikor körbenézel és csak romokat, és halottak árnyait látod és az élők remegő lelkeit, akkor eljön az idő, hogy menni kell. 

…és utoljára csukod be magad mögött az ajtót, és elindulsz arra, amerre a többiek is indultak, és kizárod a világot, menekült állat leszel, minden zajra összerezzenő, gyereket, asszonyt féltő. Amikor egyenruhát látsz, remegsz, amikor segít valaki hálás leszel, és meg tanulod tisztelni és becsülni az egy korty vizet és az egy falat kenyeret is. 

 --- When there knee transported on the road, your lap child's head and you realize that's the world you believed in, you lived utterly disappeared, when you look around and only ruins and shadows of the dead see, and people living with trembling souls, then the time comes to have to go.

... and the last time we close the door behind you, and you go to where the others went, and excludes the world, you'll be escaped animal, every noise winced child, her anxious. When you see uniforms, you tremble, you'll be grateful when you help someone, and you learn to respect and appreciate for a drink of water and a morsel of bread. 

Megtanulsz túlélni és lépésről, lépésre hullik le rólad a civilizáció, menekült leszel, akire vadásznak, aki mindenki szabad prédája, akit kirabolhatnak, megerőszakolhatnak és kivégezhetnek, mert a semminél is jelentéktelenebb vagy. Egyetlen cél vezérel, túlélni! Amikor kell, kúszol, amikor kell, futsz, és a gyerekek megtanulják, hogy nincs sírás, nincs nyafogás, mosolytalan, hangtalan, idomított kis bábok lesznek, és szülőként iszonyú látni, hogy vállnak koravén kis felnőtté. ---You learn to survive and step by step falls off your civilization, you'll be a refugee, to whom hunters who prey everyone free, he kirabolhatnak, and be forced to be executed because of the minor or than nothing. Single purpose, survive! When you have kúszol when you need to, you run, and the children learn that there is no crying, no whining, unsmiling, silent, little puppets will be trained, and terrible as a parent to see that they become precocious little adult. 

Mintha mindig is menekült lettél volna, sorban álló, lehetőségre váró, emlékekkel nem foglalkozó a külvilágra közönyösen tekintő egy, a masszából. Szabad ég alatt alvó, erdőben lopakodó, kerítést mászó, szaggató, vágó, túlélő. Egy telefonszám, ami összeköt a családdal, egy halvány szál a virtuális, drót nélkül kapocs, amit, ha tudsz, felhívsz, mert egyedül vágsz neki a világnak. Te vagy az, aki dolgozni tudsz, te vagy az, aki útnak indulsz, te benned a menekülttáborban maradt családod összes reménye és pénze. Rajtad áll és bukik, mennyire vagy gyors, milyen hamar szeled át Európát és milyen gyorsan eresztesz gyökeret, gyökértelenül. Nem harcolni akarsz, nem háborúzni, hiszen éppen az elől menekülsz, hanem a családodnak egy új otthont teremteni, ha hagyják! --- 
 I always thought I refugees, queuing, waiting possibility memories are not dealing with the outside world indifferent-looking one, from the mass. Sleeping under the open sky, forest creeping, crawling fence, tearing, cutting, surviving. A phone number that connects with the family, a faint thread of the virtual terminal wirelessly, what if you can call, because you cut him alone in the world. You're the one who can work with you, you're the one way you go, you're in the refugee camp was all hope and your family money. It is up and fall, or how fast, how soon and how quickly travels across Europe to descend root, root incorrectly. You do not want to fight, do not fight a war by giving you escape the front, but also a new home for your family if you leave!