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A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: Russia. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: Russia. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése

2024. szeptember 27., péntek

Hajajjj... megy a 💩keverés Nemzetközi színtéren is! 🙂

Hajajjj... megy a 💩keverés Nemzetközi színtéren is! 🙂

Orbán Balázs miatt borult a bili, teljesen jogos amit mondott-bárki belegondolthat Oroszország lakossága 148 millió, Magyarországé nem mindig 10 millió. Oroszország területe körülbelül 17,1 millió négyzetkilométer, Magyarország területe körülbelül 93,030 négyzetkilométer. Döntse el mindenki mennyi esélyünk lenne a gyózelemre? - ennyit elöljáróban és most következzen a Politicoban Körömi Csongor agymenése: 🙂

Magyarország beadta volna a derekát Oroszországnak, mondja Orbán legfőbb tanácsadója A magyar miniszterelnök politikai igazgatója szerint az Oroszországban harcoló ukránok "a semmiért" haltak meg.

2024. szeptember 26. 16:06 CET

Ha Ukrajna helyében lett volna, Budapest nem harcolt volna az oroszok ellen – mondta Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök legfőbb tanácsadója.

Orbán Balázs, névrokonának politikai igazgatója (de nincs vele kapcsolatban) szerdán egy podcast vendége volt, ahol Ukrajna orosz agresszióval szembeni önvédelméről beszélt.

"Minden országnak joga van dönteni a saját sorsáról, a vezetők vállalják a felelősséget" – mondta Orbán Viktor. Hozzátette azonban, hogy ha ugyanez történt volna Magyarországgal is, akkor nem vették volna fel a harcot az agresszorok ellen – ezt a tanulságot tanulta meg Magyarország 1956-os sikertelen visszaszorítása az oroszok ellen.

"Valószínűleg nem tettük volna azt, amit Zelenszkij elnök tett két és fél évvel ezelőtt, mert ez felelőtlenség" – mondta a politikai igazgató. "Mert nyilvánvalóan háborús védelembe helyezte az országát, ezek az emberek meghaltak, ez az egész terület elveszett – ismétlem, ez az ő joguk, ez az ő szuverén döntésük, joguk volt megtenni. De ha megkérdeztek volna minket, nem tanácsoltuk volna."

Ellenzéki politikusok már lemondásra szólították fel a politikai igazgatót, köztük a jobbközép Tisza Párt vezetője, Magyar Péter EP-képviselő: "Orbán Balázs ezekkel a szavakkal több ezer magyar szabadságharcos emlékét alázta meg, akik közül – Orbán Balázzsal ellentétben – készek voltak életüket áldozni hazájuk szabadságáért és függetlenségéért.


A balközép Demokratikus Koalíció vezetője, Gyurcsány Ferenc volt miniszterelnök Facebook-bejegyzésében azt írta: "Az Orbán-kormány harc nélkül átadná Magyarországot az oroszoknak."

E történelmi példa felidézésével Orbán a magyar történelem egy érzékeny pontját érintette: 1956 októberét, amikor forradalom tört ki a totalitárius kommunista rezsim ellen, demokratizálódást és a Varsói Szerződésből való kilépést követelve. De kevesebb, mint három hét alatt a szovjet csapatok megszállták az országot, és a szabadságharc 2,700 halottat és 20,000 sebesültet hagyott maga után; 176 000 ember menekült el a kevesebb mint 10 milliós országból, miután a harc elveszett.

Emellett az új kommunista rezsim, amely a szovjet invázió után további 33 évig uralta Magyarországot, 229 civilt végzett ki, köztük a forradalom miniszterelnökét, Nagy Imrét.

Orbán Balázs szerint a történelem e fejezetének tanulsága: "Itt óvatosnak kell lennünk, és óvatosnak kell lennünk a nagyon értékes magyar életekkel. Nem dobhatod el őket csak úgy mások előtt." A visszavágás után Orbán Balázs megvédte állítását, mondván: "Magyarország álláspontja világos: nem látjuk értelmét az ukrán-orosz háborúnak", amelyben százezrek haltak meg "a semmiért"


2024. július 30., kedd


In a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Massoud Peseskhian said that Tehran is ready to sign the comprehensive cooperation agreement at the BRICS summit in Kazan this October. This means that, contrary to the hopes of the West, the newly elected Iranian president will continue the current direction of Iranian foreign policy, which particularly emphasizes deepening relations with Russia.

The agreement is for the next 20 years and has been formed along the common interests of both parties. It includes both existing areas of cooperation and entirely new, equally ambitious projects. These encompass energy, the nuclear industry, space travel, transportation, logistics, and—given the Western and Israeli threats—naturally military and defense cooperation.

It is important to mention that currently, the publicly known trade figures between Iran and Russia are still relatively modest: around four billion dollars per year. But the dynamics speak for themselves: according to the results of the first quarter of 2024, Russia and Iran increased their trade turnover by 48 percent compared to the previous year, while exports from Russia to the Islamic Republic increased by 77 percent. The forecasts are confident, and not without reason.

On June 26, the Gazprom Corporation and the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) signed a strategic memorandum on Russian gas deliveries to Iran and the construction of a gas pipeline from the northern to the southern part of the Islamic Republic. The delivery volume will be 109 billion cubic meters of gas annually (300 million cubic meters per day). The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic, Ali Bagheri Kani, called the agreement 'a masterpiece of energy diplomacy' that could create the conditions for an economic revolution and, with Iran's help, ensure the energy security of the region.

The implementation of this project, which will be part of the 'great' agreement, will secure a key position for Iran in Middle Eastern gas distribution and will be a mutually beneficial project for both Russia and Iran. The volume of financial transactions related to the pumping of gas from north to south through Iran, with delivery destinations in Asia, alone amounts to approximately 12 billion euros annually.

In addition, Moscow and Tehran have developed the idea of creating a 'Gas OPEC,' which would allow them to control 71 percent of the world's natural gas reserves, 44 percent of the global market gas, 53 percent of all pipelines, and 57 percent of all LNG exports.

Another critical point for the West will be the 'north-south' logistics corridor from Russia to Iran's southern coast. In terms of trade with Asia, using this corridor would not only make the transportation of goods cheaper and faster than the existing trade route through the Suez Canal, but this new route also has strategic significance because Russia would use it as a 'chokepoint' against Western trade blockades imposed on either Iran or China.

As for space, the new Chabahar cosmodrome in southeastern Iran, in which Russian companies are participating in the construction, will be commissioned in the second half of 2024. Regarding financial integration between Iran and Russia, the unification of the Mir and Shetab payment systems was completed on July 6 last year.

Regarding military cooperation, Kamal Kharazi, advisor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated that 'there are no longer any obstacles to military relations between Russia and Iran,' and now, following the intensive contact that began between the defense ministries of the two countries under Raisi, both Iran's (and consequently Russia's) military and political capabilities are increasing.

In 2020, UN sanctions prohibiting arms sales to Iran were lifted. Since then, Russia has supplied Iran with a large number of weapons. At the same time, the two countries have intensified their military cooperation. For example, Russia, China, and Iran held their first trilateral naval exercise in the Indian Ocean in January 2022. This has since become an annual routine and has strengthened the security of the entire region by putting the collective West’s malevolent and warlike adventurers in their place.

The military component of the new strategic agreement further deepens cooperation between Russia and Iran. While the details are naturally classified, reports indicate that Iran is set to receive Russian Su-35 fighter jets and the highly sought-after S-400 air defense systems (hello, Israeli Air Force) as part of the order. Other reports suggest that Iranian military personnel are already being trained in Russia to handle these weapons. Simultaneously, Russia will be able to use Iranian airports and seaports and will have the opportunity to jointly assume control of the northern segment of Iran’s Caspian Sea region's air defense.

Russia's new 20-year strategic agreement with Iran seamlessly fits into the 25-year cooperation agreement between the Islamic Republic and China. The American magazine The National Interest noted in 2022 that the potential 20-year accord between Iran and Russia is likely to have a decisive impact on the West's position in the region and could 'give Tehran and Moscow more political influence over the West.' Since 2022, many developments have occurred, and due to the unconditional support of the USA and the mass killings of the Zionist population in Gaza, the cards are being reshuffled in the Arab world as well. Not in favor of the West.

After signing a similarly historically significant strategic partnership agreement with North Korea, Russia will sign a similarly significant agreement with Iran within just three months. The details of the agreement—specifically those that will be made public after the signing—are not yet known, but it is presumed to be based on the agreement with North Korea. Therefore, the outlines are already clear, and both agreements are set to strike at all of the collective West's pain points simultaneously.


Invite me for a coffee. Invite me for a coffee.

2024. június 3., hétfő

After the Western leaders believed that Ukraine could attack Russian territories with the weapons they received...

After the Western leaders believed that Ukraine could attack Russian territories with the weapons they received, Moscow also responded: The Russians released Europe's nuclear map – targeting all NATO bases.

The Kremlin's response did not delay; the Russians - as a clear message - released Europe's 'nuclear map'!

The Berlin government announced on Friday that Ukraine could strike targets within Russia using German weapons. This decision was made after several NATO allies, including the United States, indicated their willingness to relax the rules on weapons, allowing the Ukrainian troops, who are on the losing side, to attack Russian targets with weapons received from the West.

It is clearer than daylight that the losing Globalist Mafia will do anything to plunge the world into a world war or even a nuclear war!

Moscow, as revealed in these statements, finds that NATO is resolutely pushing the boundaries, which now directly threatens the security of the Russian state.

Now Moscow is talking about 'nuclear deterrent' measures, which means the permanent deployment of nuclear weapons and targeting NATO bases across Europe.

Where are American tactical nuclear weapons stationed in Europe?

Currently, approximately 100 American tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) - designed for battlefield or limited strike scenarios - are located at six bases in five NATO countries in Europe and Western Asia, including:

Buchel Air Base in Germany (reportedly housing the 15 TNWs).

Kleine Brogel Air Base in Belgium (15 TNWs).

Volkel Air Base in the Netherlands (15 TNWs).

Aviano and Ghedi Torre Air Bases in Italy (35 TNWs).

Incirlik Air Base in Turkey (20 TNWs).

Greece, along with Spain, Bulgaria, and Romania, falls under the general designation of 'other NATO countries'.

"The United States' nuclear arsenal in Europe consists of B-61 gravity bombs, designed to be deployed by allied bombers or fighter aircraft. The B-61 is known to be three times more powerful than the American atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945."

Meanwhile, as reported by Moscow journalist Thanasis Avgerinos, the Russians are warning the United States and NATO not to deploy nuclear weapons in European (see Poland, Greece, Romania, etc.) and Asian countries, otherwise they will be forced to resort to nuclear deterrence!

"We will do this if the United States continues to deploy short and medium-range nuclear weapons in European countries."

In an interview with the RIA news agency, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov indicated that his country considers the planned delivery of F-16 fighter jets capable of carrying nuclear warheads to Ukraine as a 'message' from NATO.

"They are trying to tell us that the USA and NATO won't stop anywhere in Ukraine," emphasized Lavrov.

"However, we hope that the ongoing Russian-Belarusian military talks on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will bring our opponents to their senses, reminding them of the devastating consequences of any further nuclear escalation," he added.

"Lavrov also stated that Russia may take further nuclear deterrent measures if the United States deploys intermediate-range and short-range missiles in Europe and Asia."


Támogass egy kávéval Invite me for a coffee.

2023. december 24., vasárnap

Today's news of the world


  • Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro continues his pre-election campaign. Bolsonaro continues his pre-election campaign and is trying to strengthen his support. According to polls, Bolsonaro is currently behind the leftist opposition candidate, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
  • Brazil's economy slows down. Brazil's economy slowed to 0.2% growth in the third quarter, which is below expectations. The slowdown is due to inflation and rising interest rates. Russia
  • Russia and Iran strengthen economic cooperation. Russia and Iran have strengthened economic cooperation and agreed to cooperate in the areas of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space exploration.
  • Russia continues the war in Ukraine. Russia continues the war in Ukraine and has launched new attacks on Kyiv in recent days. India
  • India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working to boost the economy. Narendra Modi, India's new Prime Minister, is working to boost the economy and has taken a number of measures, such as reducing taxes and simplifying the process of starting a business.
  • India strengthens defense cooperation with the United States. India has strengthened defense cooperation with the United States and agreed to cooperate in the areas of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. China
  • China's new leader, Xi Jinping, is re-elected as general secretary of the Communist Party. Xi Jinping was re-elected general secretary of the Communist Party by the party congress, continuing to be China's top leader.
  • China increases its military budget. China increased its military budget by 20.9% in 2023, making it the world's second largest military spender. South Africa
  • South Africa's economy performs better than expected. South Africa's economy grew by 2.9% in the third quarter, which is better than expected. The growth is due to the growth in consumption and investment.
  • Inflation remains high in South Africa. Inflation in South Africa remains high, reaching 5.4% in the third quarter. The rise in inflation is due to the war in Ukraine and rising energy prices.

Here are some additional details about each of these stories:


  • Bolsonaro's approval ratings have been declining in recent months, and he is facing a strong challenge from Lula in the 2022 presidential election.
  • The Brazilian economy is facing a number of challenges, including high inflation, rising interest rates, and a slowdown in global growth.


  • The war in Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the Russian economy, leading to sanctions, a decline in exports, and rising inflation.
  • Russia has made some progress in the war, but it is facing stiff resistance from Ukrainian forces.


  • Modi's economic reforms have been met with mixed results, with some praising them for boosting growth while others criticizing them for widening inequality.
  • India has been increasing its defense spending in recent years, in part due to concerns about China's growing military power.


  • Xi Jinping's re-election as general secretary of the Communist Party is a sign of his continued dominance of Chinese politics.
  • China's military buildup has been a source of concern for the United States and its allies.

South Africa

  • The South African economy has been recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is still facing a number of challenges, including high unemployment and poverty.
  • Inflation in South Africa is expected to remain high in the coming months.