Rendszeres olvasók

2024. július 30., kedd


In a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Massoud Peseskhian said that Tehran is ready to sign the comprehensive cooperation agreement at the BRICS summit in Kazan this October. This means that, contrary to the hopes of the West, the newly elected Iranian president will continue the current direction of Iranian foreign policy, which particularly emphasizes deepening relations with Russia.

The agreement is for the next 20 years and has been formed along the common interests of both parties. It includes both existing areas of cooperation and entirely new, equally ambitious projects. These encompass energy, the nuclear industry, space travel, transportation, logistics, and—given the Western and Israeli threats—naturally military and defense cooperation.

It is important to mention that currently, the publicly known trade figures between Iran and Russia are still relatively modest: around four billion dollars per year. But the dynamics speak for themselves: according to the results of the first quarter of 2024, Russia and Iran increased their trade turnover by 48 percent compared to the previous year, while exports from Russia to the Islamic Republic increased by 77 percent. The forecasts are confident, and not without reason.

On June 26, the Gazprom Corporation and the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) signed a strategic memorandum on Russian gas deliveries to Iran and the construction of a gas pipeline from the northern to the southern part of the Islamic Republic. The delivery volume will be 109 billion cubic meters of gas annually (300 million cubic meters per day). The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic, Ali Bagheri Kani, called the agreement 'a masterpiece of energy diplomacy' that could create the conditions for an economic revolution and, with Iran's help, ensure the energy security of the region.

The implementation of this project, which will be part of the 'great' agreement, will secure a key position for Iran in Middle Eastern gas distribution and will be a mutually beneficial project for both Russia and Iran. The volume of financial transactions related to the pumping of gas from north to south through Iran, with delivery destinations in Asia, alone amounts to approximately 12 billion euros annually.

In addition, Moscow and Tehran have developed the idea of creating a 'Gas OPEC,' which would allow them to control 71 percent of the world's natural gas reserves, 44 percent of the global market gas, 53 percent of all pipelines, and 57 percent of all LNG exports.

Another critical point for the West will be the 'north-south' logistics corridor from Russia to Iran's southern coast. In terms of trade with Asia, using this corridor would not only make the transportation of goods cheaper and faster than the existing trade route through the Suez Canal, but this new route also has strategic significance because Russia would use it as a 'chokepoint' against Western trade blockades imposed on either Iran or China.

As for space, the new Chabahar cosmodrome in southeastern Iran, in which Russian companies are participating in the construction, will be commissioned in the second half of 2024. Regarding financial integration between Iran and Russia, the unification of the Mir and Shetab payment systems was completed on July 6 last year.

Regarding military cooperation, Kamal Kharazi, advisor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated that 'there are no longer any obstacles to military relations between Russia and Iran,' and now, following the intensive contact that began between the defense ministries of the two countries under Raisi, both Iran's (and consequently Russia's) military and political capabilities are increasing.

In 2020, UN sanctions prohibiting arms sales to Iran were lifted. Since then, Russia has supplied Iran with a large number of weapons. At the same time, the two countries have intensified their military cooperation. For example, Russia, China, and Iran held their first trilateral naval exercise in the Indian Ocean in January 2022. This has since become an annual routine and has strengthened the security of the entire region by putting the collective West’s malevolent and warlike adventurers in their place.

The military component of the new strategic agreement further deepens cooperation between Russia and Iran. While the details are naturally classified, reports indicate that Iran is set to receive Russian Su-35 fighter jets and the highly sought-after S-400 air defense systems (hello, Israeli Air Force) as part of the order. Other reports suggest that Iranian military personnel are already being trained in Russia to handle these weapons. Simultaneously, Russia will be able to use Iranian airports and seaports and will have the opportunity to jointly assume control of the northern segment of Iran’s Caspian Sea region's air defense.

Russia's new 20-year strategic agreement with Iran seamlessly fits into the 25-year cooperation agreement between the Islamic Republic and China. The American magazine The National Interest noted in 2022 that the potential 20-year accord between Iran and Russia is likely to have a decisive impact on the West's position in the region and could 'give Tehran and Moscow more political influence over the West.' Since 2022, many developments have occurred, and due to the unconditional support of the USA and the mass killings of the Zionist population in Gaza, the cards are being reshuffled in the Arab world as well. Not in favor of the West.

After signing a similarly historically significant strategic partnership agreement with North Korea, Russia will sign a similarly significant agreement with Iran within just three months. The details of the agreement—specifically those that will be made public after the signing—are not yet known, but it is presumed to be based on the agreement with North Korea. Therefore, the outlines are already clear, and both agreements are set to strike at all of the collective West's pain points simultaneously.


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