Rendszeres olvasók

2015. szeptember 9., szerda

For the European Union, planned actions of the Orban government against refugees

Nagy sokk lesz a menekülteknek Orbán új időszámítása - magyar nyelvű írás

Pár mondat hozzáfűzni valóm van az alábbi cikkehez.

1.) Az Orbán kormány a gyűlöletkeltésen kívül eddig sem csinált semmit a menekültekért. A menekültekért a civil szervezetek és a civil emberek tettek meg mindent. Az Orbán kormány csak felvette a menekültek ellátására kapott pénzt és ellopták, azt is, mint mindent.

2.) Balhé kell! Nagy! És nagyon! És mihamarabb! Mi értelme lett volna eddig a "hős" magyar kormányunk munkájának? Kérdőív, gyoda gyűlöletkeltés. Mikor is szavazzák meg a migránsok miatt szükséges "rendkívüli állapot" bevezetését? Eddig nem volt semmiféle, erőszakra utaló magatartás a menekültek részéről. Most kell a balhé.Bizonyítani, hogy "ezek" ilyenek, "ezek" nem tartják tiszteletben hazai és európai értékrendeket. Bizonyítani kell, a rettegő honfitársak, és a világ többi része előtt is, hogy "ezek" mind terroristák akik elől "mimagyarok" lám megvédjük európát.  

A few sentences actually have to add the following Articles.

1) The Orbán government has not done anything outside of refugees to hatred. The refugees, NGOs and the people were all civilians. The Orbán government only picked up refugees from the supply of money was stolen and I also like everything.

2) must Circus! Great! And a lot! And as soon as possible! What point would have been a "hero" Hungarian government's work? Questionnaire, Gyód hatred. When it is necessary due to vote in favor of migrants 'state of emergency' introduction? So far there have been no behavior indicating violence on behalf of refugees. You must be a balhé.Bizonyítani that "they" exist, "they" do not respect national and European values are. Proof must be fearful of compatriots and the rest of the world even before that "they" are all terrorists who Tires "Magyars" lo protect Europe. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

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High shock will be the new Orban refugees chronology

Future will be available from Tuesday, the authorities of the refugees completely different. Those who enter illegally, produced, exported and quickly expelled from the country jail. Those who submit an application for asylum legally, can not escape the territory of Hungary and Serbia to reverse in a few hours. The government in the coming weeks oszlatásos crowd scenes will be made, but Orbán plans to become the only way to relative calm for Christmas.

Viktor Orban and Janos Lazar also noted several times in the days to September 15 onwards, ie next Tuesday to begin a new era in the treatment of refugee status. The Prime Minister and ministers hinted that will come into force amendments approved by parliament asylum legislative package.

It is not a simple technical changes. The authorities, the police, the immigration office, the court of new assets, liabilities get their hands on, which is completely different to have to deal with refugees from the border. The Monday and Tuesday saw Röszke outbursts example, very different responses to accept the police.

Refugees expelled within three hours  

Government sources mentioned more tangible, concrete examples, what then is the new era. Quite important changes include the creation of so-called transit zone. The transit zone you have to imagine that is open to the Serbian border, U-shaped areas are created. Hungary will be closed to the zone. 

Fotó: Huszti István

Because of these zones is 60 meters high expand the border strip and an important new feature is that
Hungary does not qualify as a transit zone area.

State will be outside the area, such as the Ferihegy Airport transit. That is, they are refugees in contrast to the current situation in contact with the Hungarian authorities not to enter Hungary, namely the EU.

The immigrants in the transit zones may submit their applications for asylum, legally the only way to get into the EU. Péter Szijjártó Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Minister had earlier said that three of those transit zone will also be constructed on the Serbian border. By law, the administration of asylum applications will be dealt with within eight days. (According to the European rules lead-free during this time can cross a refugee in the EU.) Only enter Hungary who receive refugee status.

But this government is a tricky answer.

A government member said the authority would require several days to avoid delay between the answer: decide on menedékkérelemről within 2-3 hours. These decisions are almost invariably are dismissive borítékolhatóan, since summer is also based on a change in the law, the government declared a safe country of Serbia.

Thus, it is the thing that Serb refugees from the border with no other choice but to turn back to Serbia tranzitzónából closed towards Hungary.

The expulsion of illegal entrants waiting at the border

Of course you can also choose to try to illegally enter the country as thousands of people now. However, since September 15, it is not an offense, but also - in the amended Criminal Code. According to - a crime. The police then, according to our sources will not accompany bus to take the refugees to a registration point, but taken into custody and sent to court. The judges must decide quickly. The result is restricted Criminal Code. According to prison and / or expulsion will be.

Viktor Orban urges precisely because of the fence cocking and Defence Minister Csaba Hende is down is created, because the fence is only possible to ensure that the mass of refugees in the transit zone to go, and do not walk through the green border.

So never mind that legally or illegally fled to Hungary wants a move almost certainly be deported.

But what if you are trying to break through en masse?

It may well be, of course, the massive rejection of applications are outraged upset refugees are beginning to rebel groups and try to break through the territory of Hungary. A member of the Government said that

     the government expects and is prepared to break such attempts.

They are therefore ensured that the army is to be levied at the border. (. The two-thirds törvénymódosítsokról necessary information for September 21, will vote in the parliament) to protect the border is thought to continue to supply the police, but behind every police officer will be there for two or three soldiers: that from then on, nothing prohibits.    

Fotó: Huszti István

For the soldiers and police officers will not fire command, the police already existing entitlements, fired water cannons, tear gas, truncheons. A government source said the matter is more oszlatásos such scenes in the coming weeks.

Where does this strict action?The government estimates that the crackdown will be two consequences:

The people smugglers and refugees realize that through Hungary to the EU's really difficult to get through: should go the other way.
Serbia is the thing that is different, and not pass through smoothly in the field of refugees has also arranged passage for them. After all, tens of thousands jammed the Hungarian border with Serbia and cause serious problems.The government therefore plans to Christmas has come to an end the great influx of refugees to the Serbian-Hungarian border. However naive to think that the refugees and people smugglers can not turn back and look for other avenues. The government imaginable scenario to be towards Croatia (Romania also possible, but less likely, as it represents a huge detour to Germany.)According to the government's calculation of the rivers in the Croatian-Hungarian border, Drava and Mura will deter refugees and people smugglers to take the direction towards Hungary, leaving Slovenia, which is no longer the concern of the Hungarian government. If they wanted to come en masse from Romania or Croatia of refugees, the government there did not rule out the fence winding. This Fidesz politicians have been targeted, but there is no decision yet about it.The new era, therefore, means that the government will minimize the likelihood that hundreds of refugees from the M1 eSign, but only up to the M5  can get.A member of the government, according to "tough image" to prepare for next Tuesday to the Serbian border.


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