Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 26., szerda

..............szívemből ír ----.........writing from my heart.

Vannak írások, amelyeket amikor olvas az ember úgy érzi az ő gondolatait fogalmazta meg valaki. Ma, én is így jártam, Gaal Petra írásával, szívemből ír. - Lőrincz Erzsébet

There are texts that are read when the man feels his ideas formulated by someone. Today, I am also so I went Gaal Petra writing, writing from my heart.

Petra Gaal - az eredeti írás

I never wanted to move out of the country.Hungary - Budapest and it mostly - my home.About half a year ago, I could not imagine being anywhere else to live. I felt sorry when he went to turn my friends, acquaintances, relatives, a large step was I, that I could never do that.
This time last year we bought an apartment in Budapest. We came up with what should be the children's room, what should be in the bathroom. Oda designed for adult life.
Then I started getting uncomfortable to feel at home, but I did not take it seriously. As if I started to see more and notice than before. The political action and right steps were no longer invisible. The society and social troubles began to take shape was such that I could not ignore. But it is still only half a year I was joking that if Jobbik wins the election, are not packed, just pick up my passport out of my toothbrush, and I go to the airport (of course ... because that would have been packed).
But as the months passed, I felt more and more at home than when I lived an abusive relationship with the country.Where exploited where looting in which blindfolded not to also see how it could be better with telling me what to say and what not, which incite to be afraid, to hate, where the streets driving in an eye always on the pocket through, where I can not be walking along the street, not to see a human dignity completely lost homeless, where the smell of human and animal feces circulate the air, where there are too many incompetent and uncomprehending, which will fill in mothers and fathers mouth 10 hours a day for work 78,000 HUF where health workers and teachers have been eviscerated, and enjoy skinned, where we do not invest energy into making the other feel good that do not care about or that we feel good because we are happy if we stay alive By the end of the day.
Families want. Liveable want, joyful life.Adults who were beaten in their childhood with their father or their mother was an alcoholic, suddenly find themselves as adults, they can not empatizálni their parents. And that's a bad feeling to them. They think that "to my mother could be so stupid to tolerate this? How could I have seen him for a long time perfect when letting humiliated for years?" or even to "why my father left my mother so drunk? Why tolerate? Not at all why I chose these nut?".Well, I do not want my kid says, 'Why did you stay in this spiritual nyomortanyában? I was not expecting you? I do not want you to happily grow up, balanced mum and dad? Why did not you dealt with me, why was it important to you both work, why I worked 12 hours, I was not important why me? ".
We moved away because we want a quiet life. Parenthood can become more consistent. Where we can be efficient with the same amount of work far better quality live where you do not have to convince ourselves that this month I'm going to buy a coat or winter, and we are among the most people visit the dentist at home! It was not our faith, we have two people working full-time, two of his flats! Our life at home was the target each other! But because others worse, I can not accept that folded out completely, work, live, live felőrölve each other for 40 years. Two of them got along comfortably, so that költhettünk our health - and even spiritual health as well, which certainly very few people can allow themselves - but the four of us, a temporary action is no longer I could have done this.
Now I feel that it is not dependent on the background image of what is my home. My home is where decently live, where do I collect the garbage selectively, where you do not need a special backpack that my bike have a elvághatatlan lock with single-storey houses without fences can I stay with the first-floor apartments private balconies do not have to lerácsozni where you take care of others values and where the mine is watching over where the kids out there running around on the street, where late evening cycling in the woods, where the warmth of my friends put your hands in the city without someone in the death of their wanting to where you where my friends and loved ones hosted know see where is the question, "Which of good primary school, where to take the kids?", everyone just blinked, "what is? Here is all good primary school", where health care professionals are valued, where to be a teacher experience and can not survive where workers are treated as the most precious treasure, which sanctity of the family and get real support, and where is pleased to work with the salary's sake.Just I opened my eyes. I do not want to live there, where it is important that the streets were renamed do not want to live where they lost the people's pensions, and yet all you do not say that thanks, I do not want to live there, where the people would leave!
I do not want to live in a country where politicians responsible for it say, "repulsive" for the people who elected him mayor by the way. I do not want to live in a country where the prime minister confuse immigration and terrorism. I do not want to live in a country where you do not earn a real solution to the problem, but also used the hatred forged powerful common enemy. I do not want to live in a country where the Nyugati tér underpass me about the police not to scooter when my side pocket, drug dealers, hookers and drugs are anesthetized baby begging in single file.I do not want to live in a country where the other beaten to death skin color, because they think immigrants do not want to live in a country where someone can contest the explanation that "I thought I was an immigrant." I do not want to live in a country where health care is completely desolate, education ruin, where the individual's development, intellectual maturation disadvantage where lebetegített, weakened labor value, which I can not leave you leave when I want, where two weeks leave up to in films I hear where you are doing overtime to keep rúgjanak, where half the salary SG & to spend, and expect it to be glad it's not 51%!I do not want to live in a country where everyone is so frustrated that smoothly kicking another man for some trumped-up grounds. I do not want to live in a country where the parents are so exhausted that their children will no ounce of energy and therefore create a botched unhappy fates, they're the same people who will then give a little of their own children.
I do not want to live in a country where we can only focus on their own survival, which is always just waiting for something; the end of the day, a Friday, in the summer, the end of the year, but never anything we can not be happy! I do not want to live in a country where slowly lost all empathy.It had enough. I trusted, trusted for years. I love my country. I love Hungary. I am delighted when Hungary beauty out here, I can tell you! But this is a one-sided love. She does not love me does not honor me, so you must not let your hands because it affected eye.

2015. augusztus 25., kedd

Mint a legfinomabb hangszerjáték ---- Like the finest musical instrument playing.

Magam is súlyos mozgássérült vagyok, járványos gyermekbénulás következtében. Életem első 11 évét utókezelő kórházakban töltöttem, tehát a tudom, mennyire fontos az utókezelés, az időben való kezelése a sérült gyerekeknek. - Lőrincz Erzsébet


I am also a serious handicapped, children with cerebral palsy as a result of epidemics. I spent my first 11 years of post-treatment in hospitals, so I know how important aftercare, treatment of the injured children in time.- by Erzsébet Lőrincz

Mint a legfinomabb hangszerjáték - ez a magyar nyelvű cikk
Száznál is több gyerek köszönheti egészségét Dévény Annának

Like the finest musical play 
More than a hundred children owe their health to Anna Dévényi

You do not want neither enrichment nor fame, and nearly sixty years working with top strength for the sick. Hundreds of children owes him soundly. Anna Dévényi talked about the Magyar Nemzet method capable to successfully heal abnormally developed, children are limited in their movement. His method also works well for adults - special "heart issue" in addition to the treatment of infants casualties - but dévényes szakgyógytornászra would need ten times more than those who are to get them all fields.

- The rehabilitation of movement, there are several treatment modalities. How is it different from any other method of Dévényi? 

- In everything. Most of all, that we do not expect the patient - whether infant, child or adult - to do anything you can not, but we are trying to empower. I am a very difficult position because they have to go with everything - in my twenty years of previous work is - what about the healing movement at home and everywhere in the world. 


- Can you explain why?

- That's because no one cause of the problem, but also to try to correct the consequences. Endlessly say a simplified example. Stroke. Paralyzed limbs. It causes damage to the cerebral motor centers. You either succeed in moving center of the brain to repair, and then we will move the limbs, or fail, and you will remain lame. In such a case, to say that "Here you go do it." Not because the patient is not doing it because they do not want to, but because they do not know. It does not do it. If you are not capable of doing the impossible look forward to. Still, "Here you go do it" is a common practice. Or take the babies! Frequently occurring problem is due to a decrease in muscle tone of the baby is not able to raise his head. As a tonicity center in the brain dysfunction of the cause. What would be the problem? Remove this confusion.

Instead, what is the officially approved therapy? Lie on your stomach is strictly for children throughout the day. Whoever invented this, he thinks, if the baby can not see anything and then struggles and then we will raise his head. But if you can not it? The impossible coercion torture, not cure. And unfortunately, the daily practice of physiotherapy is accepted. At home and around the world during exercise therapy instead being capable of doing keyword coercion. The whole exercise rehabilitation bondage throes of helplessness. There is no doubt that all methods you want to help, but the real solution is still not quite born.

- This is very serious sentence.

- Indeed it is. I am also quite scared of it, it may seem as though a feisty Amazon wanted to dig up the hatchet work. God forbid! What it can not do that six decades of hard experience has led Stated. Peace requires light of the nature of the task facing hard going. But what do I do if I can not agree with what I've done for twenty years?

- And what do you recommend instead?  

- The fact that I got as a gift. No, of course not given for free. Again, I am in anguish for fear it may seem self-praise, I say, but at the moment the manual technique of my method most effective way to empower doing. Maybe it will be a better tomorrow, but it is not today. 

- What does a manual technique?

- Two things. It restores the natural condition of the muscles and give direct stimuli to the brain.  

- How to imagine this mean in practice? 

- Like the finest musical instrument playing. Very careful fine-force impact, the special dishes shrunk, stuck föllazítjuk muscles, abnormal normalize their situation. Simultaneously nerve endings in the muscles and tendons - receptors - directly stimulated, of course, through the skin. The nerve endings for this direct - a direct - stimulation of the cause of the errors are eliminated, and the consequences of enforcement muscle movement in the normalization of errors. I must emphasize two things. One is that this "hand work" has nothing to do massage. Both technique and its aim is completely different from him. The other is that this is not a curative treatment can trigger any active movement - gymnastics, swimming, etc., balance development. - Because anything else for treatment, and anything else a "gym". 

- What is the one, and when the other? 
 - The treatment of healing, which starts the operation, and not just that, but clearly, correctly. The "gym" of a properly functioning strengthens refining. But as long as something does not work, that someone is not able to move, there is nothing to print gymnastics, there is nothing confirmed.

- Who are handled Anna Dévényi technique?

- In principle, anybody, because your muscles - regardless of the origin of the damage - is always relevant, and restore the authority of this is currently the most effective means of treatment. It is the key to healing injuries maternity and infant and early childhood developmental disorders of movement direct nerve stimulation. Curable pressure, heal us under our normal state, not to say that the victim somehow employ. But full recovery from maternity injuries we can achieve the earliest possible treatments, and even eighty percent of the cases. This means that the previous one hundred eighty sérültből live healthily. 

- A very tiny babies how to realize that something was wrong? 

- That's a good question, because that early diagnosis is very "shaky ground". When the baby is still small but there are reflexes, and you should tell how it will evolve, and what will be the movement, if you will ... That is not great. Our experience is based on a "special Goggles" which include skin lesions muscle gap, holding and movement asymmetries, differences in muscle tone look. The responsibility is enormous. Indeed, the risk seems to become symptomatic with growth, but by the time the symptoms will be the signal to no longer be an effective help. Here I do not mean to cases where a glance you can see that something was wrong. The hidden for signs which, if not taken into account early enough, they can not be corrected when they become a problem. 

- Parents may notice the early signs?

- Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I can illustrate with three examples. The mother's observations still need to pay attention there because he is the most babies for sale. Because everyone would be more important to children than counted to him? Often people say the mother of the "hysterical mother," the "mom too worried." These statements are unacceptable. For example, treating a two year old boy. The mother said right from the beginning, that is one side of the child's limbs do not move it as the other side will. They waved. It took us nine months to unilateral paralysis. Kezelésünktől our much improved, but not completely fix - just as it could have been, if you can manage right away. The mother said, to no avail, did not pay attention to it. Unfortunately, the negative consequences of this for a lifetime. However, there are parents who have passed on.
Let me give you an example. Thirty-second week was a twin. Both babies were found risk signals, the preterm birth itself is a risk factor. We gave them time to treatment, they did not come. There is also the misconception is that the more kinds of treatment at the same time get the baby, the better. This is neither the infant nor in our view is not true. He was not born poor, everyone develops; hauled grass to tree, pushed water, toss the air, upside down lógatják, shake, spin fateknőben, and so on. If there is no problem with it, half the age can not be improved, but leave me alone. However, if there are signs or risk factors risk, then as soon as possible - preferably already in the incubator - must be received by direct stimulation. This treatment must not be mixed with anything. Our special technikánkkal induced stimulus can not infiltrate into the infant's nervous system, interfering in a foreign influences. We can only assume treatment if you do not get anything else at the same time. In rare cases, the parents secretly still "confusing" other treatment ours, we will notice immediately. The parents are free to choose, but if you choose us, there is no compounding. To do this, we insist on the basis of professional experience.

- Dévényi So far, the method for healing talked about. Essen few words about the development of the territory, a special body formed from gymnastics. 

- This Berczik Sara (movement artist, choreographer, music and dance educator, artistic gymnastics, master coach from 1906 to 1999 - ed.) 
great body of my training principles and ideas of the amalgamation. No movement style or genre, but also bring out the body by up technique. This leitmotif Berczik Sarah is the basic principle that "no two paths, one talent, one on average. The road is a kind, the result of which is variable according to your abilities. "This was transposed to injury, and this led to the opera house, where my so revered and beloved artists requesting such testkidolgozást, for twenty years. Opera House, "my career" I started ballet ensemble, a few years ago the singers taking through my classes. I am honored artists of confidence, and a great pleasure to be a little advantage. 

- How is it possible that the same method is suitable for a disabled child and a ballerina's work to improve muscle?

- Of course, there is no question that the sérültből prímabalerinát do, but it may remain in town to dance if you do not converge with the body, which can make the most out of.

- I understand that ballet is not only professional, but personal aspect, too close to his heart.

- That's right. It has been received, "Girls," by Catherine Volf prímabalerina, Seregi master lovely Juliet knee injury. After four knee surgery, plastic tape on the knee titánkapoccsal and four three-act of dancing leading roles for 18 years and was awarded the Kossuth Prize, worth an artist. He did it through without a single complaint, but I know it really. It was a real feat, as he overcame the pain, fears of being on stage all the anguish beautiful and unforgettable experience for the audience without sound. One of the most beautiful gifts, if this is a little bit of help I could. 

- The persistent conflicts require everyone to buy it. What helped him to persevere through the many time-for-new "other" in the fight? 

- This I wonder sometimes. Maybe I'm sure consciousness. Although the road without footprints started out, he always felt that the direction is right, you just have to take it. Pilgrimage. Camino. It's hard. But the big bonus here is that I can help you. And that's the most important. 

- Recently it was decided that the National Health Insurance Fund will receive higher funding. Are you satisfied?

- Very big word that we got standalone code. We have long accepted the NHIF, but so far funded only a fraction of our costs, will now stand in half. We are very happy, but I can not sit back; The other half of the costs we have to raise. A good big lottery prize could really be happy. To be sure, every penny serve the interests of the needy.  

- How does that become disciples into some clever business woman?

- Terrible. Outraged that after six decades hear such sounds honest work was "very good for Devin treatment, but can not afford." But it is hard to make a living these days, and the cost borne by magángyógytornászt too much, but who is abusing the vulnerability of others, I can not forgive it. What is even more outraged, in the prescribed treatment time of 60 minutes to 30 minutes to reduce. This is only permitted in the hospital setting. Not because I agree with him, but because of the emergency. The self-management is the only face-to-mouth, which, according to the regulations just 30 minutes. 

- What is the main message after so many decades of work? 

- The fact that no one remember the ultimate economics counting only matter of fairness. 


If the refugees coming to Europe think, think about this file --- ha az Európába érkező menekültekre gondolsz, gondolj erre a képre.

 Én mindig a menekültek oldalán álltam, állok!

Gondolják csak el, milyen helyzet lehet ott, ahol az Embereknek nincs más lehetősége, csak annyi, hogy kicsi gyerekeivel elindul a teljesen ismeretlenbe. Ezt a nők jobban el tudják gondolni. Nem félni kellene tőlük, utálatoskodni velük, hanem befogadni Őket.

Ikonikus fotó járja be világot a Szíriából menekült családról

I have always stood side the refugees, I am!

Just think about the type of situation could be where the people had no choice but just enough to start out with small children of the completely unknown. That women are better able to think about. They should not be afraid of them, utálatoskodni with them, but to accept them. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

A life of its own freelance photographer, Daniel Etter view shared on Facebook and Twitter in America and Western Europe line. The New York Times photojournalist working next to it says the image is usually only one sentence to

     "If the refugees coming to Europe think, think about this file."

Daniel Etter immortalized the moment when Laith Majid fled to Syria with his wife, son and daughter arrive from Turkey to the Greek island of Kos in August fifteenth. The family has a small ferried tossed at sea, in which a total of fifteen were. The photojournalist reports that the rubber boat carrying refugees began to yield to the air after two hours of travel and continually leaked into the water, the occupants completely drench, a miracle that they survived the trip. Etter reports that have never experienced such a poignant moment when it is on land the family hugged and wept father. Only a few can do about them, immediately they began to help them megszárítkozzanak local immigration office and direct them.

Later he met with the family on the island who said they paid $ 6,500 to people smugglers to pass through Greece.

The UN reports that mid-August this year, 158,456 refugees arrived from Turkey to the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. Just last week, more than twenty thousand people undertook the risky journey. 85 percent of the refugees set sail from Syria. (Guardian / Independent)

2015. augusztus 24., hétfő

Israeli occupation ... --- Izraeli megszállás....

Israeli occupation prevents the Norwegian Dr. Mads Gilbert from entering Gaza after they spend time in the war on Gaza and help save the people of Shifa Hospital in Gaza.

Write Palestinians living in my friend - it will attack the media.

Izraeli megszállás megakadályozza a norvég Mads Gilbert Dr. bejutását Gázába, a Gázai háborús övezetben, hogy segítsen megmenteni a sebesülteket, a népét Shifa Kórház Gázában.

Írja Palesztinában élő barátnőm - ez sem téma a médiának.

Az éhező gyerekek..... --- Starving children ....

A Föld nem a szegényeket nem tudja jól lakatni, hanem a gazdagoknak semmi nem elég

Ma, régi tartozásomat rovom le a gyerekek felé.
A gyermekszegénységről írok. Az éhező gyerekekről.
Erről minden nap kellene írni, mindaddig, ameddig egy éhező gyermek él a Földön.
A gyermek szegénységen csak mi felnőttek tudunk segíteni, ne tétovázzunk azonnal kezdjünk el segíteni az éhező gyerekeken. Mindenki ott a saját környezetében kezdjen hozzá a gyerekek segítéséhez. Nagyon vigyázva arra, hogy ne alázzuk meg a gyereket és a családját. - Lőrincz Erzsébet

Magyarország elvesztette a gyermekszegénység elleni harcot a válságban 

The Earth is not the poor unable to feed well, but nothing for the rich is not enough

Today, my old debts which would place it towards the kids.
The Child Poverty write. Starving children.
That should write every day, as long as a starving child on Earth.
Child poverty can only help our adults, do not hesitate to immediately start to help the starving children on. Everyone is there to go about it in your environment to assist the children. Very careful not to humiliate the child and his family. - by Erzsébet Lőrincz

Hungary lost the fight against child poverty in the crisis

 The world's leading children dealing with humanitarian organization UNICEF data from the European Union and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), using a report about how could the 2008 unleashed the economic crisis on children's financial situation 41 richest countries in the world. It turns out that those countries have been treated better social shock caused by the crash, which devoted more money to the needy. Hungary not one of them, we grew the fastest between 2010 and 2012 child poverty.

General findings of the UNICEF report include that the crisis has set back the economic performance of many countries, such as household income fell there, and that in the longer term negative impact on children. 

The effects of the crisis were able to successfully relieve those countries that have confirmed their social policies. The report showed that those countries could be more effective in the fight against child poverty, which are effective employment programs, economic stimulus funds have been introduced and supported with aid targeted on the most needy families.

This required a percentage of GDP increase in public spending, which according to the EU, Eurostat, together with Malta, Hungary has by far the worst. That's demonstrated by the fact that between 2008 and 2010, our fifth fastest (almost 2%) increase in child poverty, and between 2010 and 2012, we introduced a negative ranking (almost 6%).

Hungary in minus
According to the Assembly from 2008 to 2012 in 41 countries in the survey a total of 2.6 million children fell below the poverty level, and so the number of developed countries reached 76.5 million. Eighteen countries had, which improved despite the crisis situation of children (Poland and Slovakia are among the best), the other 23 countries have worsened the child poverty rates - in Hungary by 2.9 percentage points (the 41 out of the position 29 "enough") . The largest, nearly or more than 20 percentage point decline in Greece, Iceland measure.

Especially families and young people in trouble 

In Greece, the median family (not average, but the statistical mean) income for 2012 fell back to 1998 levels; In Hungary, the 2004 level.The age group 15-24 years the unemployment rate here also deteriorated significantly in 2013 (approximated 30 percent, it is 10-11. Place was the EU's rankings), but by far not as much as in the southern countries, Greece, Spain Portugal, Croatia and Cyprus.Hungary 33 in the rankings, which shows how much increased between 2008 and 2013 of young people aged 15-24, the proportion who do not study nor work. In this category Poland and Slovakia are only marginally outperformed, and behind us such as Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. True, the share of neither student nor employee of young people between the ages of 15-24 in 2013, Hungary was among the 41 countries mediocre at 15.4 percent. Israel, for example, the figure is over 30 percent, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy and Greece are above 20 percent. 

In the last pumpkin Hungary 

In the European Union there is a category in which absolute Hungary deteriorated the most, the situation between 2008 and 2012: the severe material deprivation (Severe material deprivation) living children.


We started already high base, about 20 per cent, which was the third worst after Bulgaria and Romania in thirty countries, but it also jumped well above 30 percent. This means that one in three children belonged to this category in the 2012th

The third place has not changed, but only slightly better than Romania we are. Bulgaria was and remained over 40 percent, those rates are.

True, in relative terms during the crisis in Iceland and Greece jumped by the most number of children living in severe material deprivation, tripled and doubled, but that does not mean that the absolute number is not in Hungary had the most children in this position at this time. 

What is the severe material deprivation? 

If children live in households that thing at least four of the following nine can not afford:

  •      rent, utility charges, housing loans
  •      heated apartment
  •      unexpected expenses
  •      Regular consumption of meat
  •      holiday
  •      TV
  •      washing machine
  •      car
  •      phone  

Poverty is no office

While child poverty was on the rise, in 2011, the crisis in the middle of the abolition of the Hungarian Academy of Children Against Poverty Programme Office, led by sociologist Zsuzsa Ferge Professor-Academician in 2006. At the time, the incident caused a great stir. The Programme Office will continue to exist - but no longer updated - the website of the reader receiving the message that the work Ferge Zsuzsa et al  not stopped voluntarily, but because it made it impossible to operate.

In the Fidesz government are undeniable merits