Rendszeres olvasók

2015. augusztus 4., kedd

Mentőmellény nélkül ..... Without life jackets.....

Igen, hírek vannak. M.-am szülei elhagyják a hazájukat a tarthatatlan ISIS helyzet miatt. M.-am nem tart velük, mert munkája B.-ba tartja. Mondjuk jobban örülnék, ha szüleivel menne, de az imádott Mom okos asszony, ki fogja fundálni, hogyan hívja magához imádott, gyönyörű fiát! ♥ --- Yes, there are news. M. am-parents leave their country because of the untenable situation ISIS. M.-am does not take them because the work keeps B. Into. Let's just say I would prefer if parents would go, but the beloved Mom smart woman who will find how to call himself beloved, beautiful son!

Az látom Magyarországon sajnos csak két féle ember létezik, akikben van szeretet és akikben csak félelem van! ---  I can see that, unfortunately, in Hungary there are only two kinds of people whom you love and whom you just fear!

A félelembe élőknek idézek ide egy riportot most az a címe, hogy Mentőmellény nélkül..... --- 
The fear living here I quote the title of a report now that, without life jackets ....

Interjú Kékesi Márkkal, a MigSzol Szeged alapítótagjával ---Interview with Mark Kékesi, a founding member of Szeged MigSzol


They come here,, these desert gypsies, because they are fed, fuck! "- Will receive several times a day in Szeged MigSzol volunteer staff, for whom the state - locally treat the migrant crisis - and despite. The group, in addition to food and drink, medical assistance and legal advice helps migrants depresses the hassle of mass arrival for the general public. One of their founder, with Mark Kékesi working in a civilian university lecturer talked. Edina Farkas Interview with Lina.

To give the desert gypsies? Often you will receive a similar response?
The Szeged, as the Hungarians are generally very diverse and responsive in many ways, but after a month I can say that the balance is moved in a positive direction. They begin to understand that we are not here in the Placco because we damn good thing that people have started when the crowd életveszélyből the hopelessness, the hopelessness of exclusion. We do not say that this phenomenon is okay, not make a political stance migration is a global, European or domestic issue. We work along a bit of principles such as the needle exchange, if we can not change the current situation, at least in the circumstances and help you do your best to avoid any unnecessary conflict between the population and the refugees.

I quote one complaint of the population. "They are all in shit,, "
If I were forced to sleep in front of a train station, where there is no toilet, then after a while I could corner of the square stem. The migrants did not feces left behind because it was considered amusing to do with the space, but because they were forced to do so. Szeged night closed the station and the many hundreds of refugees remained not only cover, but without toilet. You can imagine what the situation was after a few days. It was already a public health problem, which in our case is finally resolved by the government with mobile toilets, mobile pins. Thanks to the town hall we got a tree house, where food and drink can be shared, there's room to medical devices and have wifi, which is a great help to us and also to refugees.

Another common question: what kind of refugees who have smartphone?
2015 writing. I just e-migrants call them, just due to the fact that almost all of them have a smartphone that does not mean that all of them full of money. The smartphone in contact with them and most of all, navigation is key. If you are attempting to pass through the green cross over from country to country, there is no fairy tale: a precise, stable navigation system must be constantly, otherwise no clue where you are.

What do you think about the proposition to that of the Islamic State of benefit to Europe by terrorists along with the refugees, many among the family, the rapist?Our group is trying to radical incitement - and I apologize for sarkításért - to maneuver among the urban intelligentsia purple haze. Both can be harmful, because one of the hatred, the other a blinkered attitude. We must try to understand those fears, and even taken seriously, who every day endure the consequences of the migration crisis, or who could not retreat to the safe, free fled their places of origin after voluntary work. Of course, patients may be contagious among the migrants, criminals, terrorists, just as he used the same way, the same situation may occur among groups of people selected at random. The personal experience is that most of the refugees need help and escape the horror of an existing view. That is why we go help everyone, regardless of whether there may be among them migrants, who come from non-war zone who declare themselves to each other than those who are. But in all cases where the aim is helping the masses, they were, are and will be abusers. The number of stowaways reduced but not to zero.

What is the status of refugees coming to you?That depends on how far he traveled. Those who have money, usually people smugglers will save you walking or using public transport, who broke the hoof. In addition to the external matter much financially as well: his lighter your skin, you can keep yourself clean public transport can travel without problems, in addition to a dirty and even darker your skin is, we will be approaching the authorities of the vehicles. The most unfortunate thousands of miles walked so terrible physical and mental state come to us. They have been sleeping in the open air for weeks, blisters from walking, there are worse cases, infected wounds on their feet, their bodies covered with insect bites, because forests, marshy areas are coming through. Mentally break them on the road, think about it, what it would be without a life jacket in a rubber boat overloaded with multiple squirm in the high seas.

How much you ask the people smugglers such a pathway?
According to the migrants, telling € 1,000 is requested in exchange for a twenty-mile pathway between the Greek and Turkish coasts. But the fact is that not only the people smugglers fate of vulnerable people for profit. There were conflicts of Placco a much more private taxi who asked for hundreds of euros a pathway between Szeged and Budapest.

Migrants are unable to accommodate you mean free path may do so by public transport?
Given the state of affairs at the registration process at a given language paper (this is sometimes civilians are complementary translations), very little can of refugees about their rights and opportunities. It was used by the Private taxi until we definitely do not we stepped up against the case. Since then, the refugees personally informed of their options, and also that a pathway between Szeged and Budapest amount corresponding to a maximum of 200 euro may ask them to taxi drivers. If you then still opt for a taxi, that is their decision.

When beleálltok such situations, no fear of retaliation,? Given that most recently in Szeged severely abused a girl just because it is believed to be a friend of immigrants?
Verbal insults occur, but have not had to seriously fear. Once there was a greater scene where a group called Outlaw's Army released. The police eyes locked for twenty minutes and then left. But this Szeged, it can not be compared to Budapest, where much more radical, far more refugees, the population is not as positive, the government's attitude than we do. Our situation is a lot easier, I do not envy the metropolitan colleagues.

Galloping into helping refugees, migrants that none of you worked before. Since then, I have been given professional advice and help?
At first they were a child illnesses, dilemmas, so I had to learn to help to facilitate the complex can be a good and effective. To remedy these, more than once made up for the Refuge Association, cooperating with the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, head of the Red Cross, the authorities are trying to get a more balanced relationship is established, the medical faculty of the University of Szeged are also in close contact. Mr. Dean personally came out and took us to the cabin is a basic first aid course, they gave us protective equipment, they disinfected the bed linen allocated. Several large and small church offered donations, volunteer work. I did not think that this degree of cooperation will emerge.

They found the parties is you, and you in turn clearly rejected the curse DK donations. Why is it important for you to stay politically independent?
There are two things we're doing: helping people through this very carefully and slowly shaping public opinion, the public attitude to the issue of migrants. The theme, in connection with which you want to change, very divisive. If this brings into politics or one party, you forget that contrary to the opinion of the people closer to each other. It is essential to our independence because we believe that we can reduce the amount of sharing and local level, we see that although small steps, but it's doable.

Did you receive the last month of any state aid?
At the state level we have not received any help and hard to office collaboration, the OIN. Since we try to ask them to have indicated to us when you launch toward the station hundred refugees. We could not absolve our request and continues to give out information as to how many migrants expected and roughly when.

 How long you possess energy, personnel, donations, soul?
Fortunately, there is a relatively fixed team and constantly coming and going of volunteers. By August, it will be difficult, because many people go on vacation, but they come back in September as the students and the university is on our side, so I'm not afraid of manpower. Donations and psyche we are doing well, this week will be the second such group discussions, moderated by a specialist when kibeszélhetjük the many tragedies that are every day we hear from the refugees.

2015. augusztus 3., hétfő

Végünk lesz, ha a menekültek végleg elindulnak?!

Végünk lesz, ha a menekültek végleg elindulnak?! ----It will be ended permanently if the refugees set off ?!

Ma, kivételesen nem a saját írásomat adom közre, hanem egy igen figyelemre méltó cikket, amelyről azt gondolom, hogy mindenkinek olvasni kell. --- Today, an exceptionally not give my own contribution, but also a remarkable article, which I think everyone should read.

A szóban forgó cikk - The article

Tamás Gábor

Vast areas of the world, many countries are lacking the most basic living conditions for many people. The population is growing rapidly. During one and a half decade and a half times the need to increase food production to keep pace with this. Meanwhile, the developed world is thrown out of the kitchens of the food intake of half, third. It's amazing the waste of the water shortages, rapidly increasing costs of energy and food as well. What is this?
In recent weeks and months has been konfliktushelyzetté mature intercontinental migration crisis. Large crowds of people moved toward coercive forces of various kinds are areas where the daily subsistence seems to be easier. The reasons are basically attributable to three factors: the political environment can not be separated from the economic situation and developments in everyday life situations. Is there water, bread and everything else that is essential for daily subsistence.

The writer of these lines generation of the 1960-70s laughed grandmothers almost maniacal insistence on carrying on the principle that the pantry will always be flour, sugar, salt and a large metal bowl reversed a week of pure water, a shed and three tons of coal and kétölnyi tree. There may still many people who smile at this, the most basic needs of humanity are summarized in this list.
A single strong economic power is willing to deeply ponder on the direction in which the world moves. Undefinable, to more advanced parts of the globe to massively launched in the proportion of migrants move to the everyday deprivation, hunger, lack of basic human subsistence necessary tools and the political situation, armed violence, dictatorship.  

There are no data out there that weight can be displayed as a refugee how much of a genuine political refugees, and much of the crowd, which is simply the very start fighting for her life for maintaining the unknown world.

The next thing researchers agree on little, but in almost all of that will be in the near future if global war conflict, the most basic essentials of living will be driven by factors possession. Flour, sugar, salt and water in the pot - as in the days of our grandmothers.  

But while the world has changed radically. There are some areas where a possible minimum necessary to sustain life on calories no room elsewhere, however, the consumer society tremendously wasted. Everything. First of all, energy, water - and in addition to the massive loss of end product itself is utilized. Developed throw the kitchen garbage third and a half of food intake, while a handful of rice is the life-saving "all developing" world called for a gift of millions of children.

The UN World Food Organization, the FAO, more than ever given the recent alarming data contributed to the spread of hunger worldwide. According to calculations by the end of this year the number is almost certainly higher than one billion of our fellow human beings who are continually deprived of 1,800 kilo calories of food a day specified in the "Statistics as a minimum."

This sad phenomenon has many causes. The evident and climate change only one of these. In the present, the majority of possible intervention support now focus on the financial crisis more difficult, but then there are the transport difficulties related to the aid system corruption and millions of other factors.

In addition, the regions hardest hit by hunger - especially Indians, Chinese, Congolese, Bangladeshis, Indonesians, Pakistanis and Ethiopians to - be supplied to food is expensive. Very.  

FPI to a number from the FAO food price, meaning Food Price Index in October 2014 shows a seventy percent higher in value than in 2006. This in itself reduces the giver revel in richer countries, but has increased the cost of delivery and related "showdown" (for example, the mere protection of shipments) as well. It usually costs more for all that is necessary to simply get the food from where it is to where there is not. Meanwhile, the human population is growing rapidly is.Ezzel parallel course should continue to increase world food production is: 

2030 is currently in a minimum of one and a half times. 

If we map the hunger, the picture is even more alarming. It located in the northern half of Africa's Sahel region, which Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger the entire area, as well as Cameroon, Nigeria and northern Senegal covers. This region has been plagued by severe food crisis. At the end of 2015 it is expected to more than ten million people, largely children at risk of acute malnutrition. The situation is made more difficult by the lack of sanitation, clean drinking water and sanitation problems. The crisis also threatens the functioning of educational infrastructure. 

The question arises: what can be done? After all, nothing, from scratch obviously can not live. And this leads to a very difficult question to answer is amazingly difficult to interpret debate.

If humanity wants to live a hundred years from now, you need to eat, and in a few decades for the same growing area twice as many people eltartandó our eyes, as it is today. That the current production-trade, perhaps aid system seems absolutely unsolvable problem.

What could be the solution?  

The technocratic science clearly and categorically the so-called new technology provides the solution. The traditional farming yields are far below caloric intake deems necessary in the future extent of other devices must therefore change it. One of these may be genetic engineering, which, however, proponents of the ecological management of the devil held a crime. 

The situation is not that simple, of course. The proponents of green thinking mostly emphasize amending the so-called natural growth of direct intervention, ie harmful environmental effects of genetic engineering is the practice, while the other side is that the global increased production can hardly be another tool in the circumstances.

The increasingly intense debate, accusations and counter-accusations incredible, pros and cons will be given. The green movement's main weapon is the "communication", meaning the wider public to raise awareness that traditional farming is good, pipettes new operating methods, however, are harmful. The current domestic agricultural government has embraced this approach, based in part be evaluated, in part controversial aspects.
And this process has been very hard to play a genetic engineering. Do not detailed in the number of spraying other plants handling work can be left out of the application, take more math facts as the final result: In the case of crops (corn, soy) generally mass produced twenty percent of the production costs can be saved with it.

At present this result in tax seed of the five major producing countries overseas each of marketed. It is a competitor of the so-called ecological varieties.

These statistics certainly read in areas where right now - there is food crisis - again.

A key element of revulsion in the new technologies that drive the major distributors money in the pockets of farmers and intricately formulated long-term contracts and chained themselves to the peasant people. There is some truth. A drought-resistant varieties of the multinational distribution company actually passes the users of certain obligations and also expects that in the near future it buy seed technology.

The other major accusation related to the environment. The intensive technologies - ie areas of high-yield, genetically modified crops -the so-called organic cultivation kizsarolják against the ground. The third accusation against modern technology, which regularly appear in the press that foods produced by new production technologies are unsafe consumer point of view.

Scientists involved with this statement on the subject can not do anything, because whatever they say, immediately falling back on their heads for the prosecution: they bought the staff development companies, who prefer to poison the half of humanity to their own pockets, as the hasznuktól they might fall. And last but definitely not least, respectively, there is the suspicion that food production operating principles of biotechnology can only be good for farmers, consumers do not see any use for this.

All of this is difficult to circumvent the technocratic answer adopters data. How many we are? - Ask the question. 7.2 billion? Okay, then, abolish the North and South American, Chinese, Indian and Pacific-GM fields, there replace the conventional production, organic production methods and varieties, and they'll pretty unpleasant results coming out of six billion people get and food, the others do not.   

I wonder who will be the responsible politician who dares say this substantive response - at any point of the earth. In office a few years ago for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minister of the British government, Owen Paterson goes even further. Although somewhat difficult for obvious reasons, but in this case he is at the end of last year, roughly assailed the otherwise legitimate considerations raised green organizations, and almost new colonialism accused the new technologies rigidly secluded countries.

It produces no less an otherwise liberal technocrat or suspected exzöldminiszter difficult past, but to the people of the rich world's most advanced technologies in the new colonization began reining in food production. Paterson in South Africa in Pretoria and charged him with the food production area rich countries. He literally said: "The greatest fault of course the European Union, which is forced to follow a twisted neo-colonialism on Africa of their own, with rich, organic affectation and anti-scientific policies".

Translated, this means that artificial restriction, prohibition on new technologies makes it vulnerable to the starving nations, due to the lack of new varieties incapable of self-support, in turn, dependent on handouts drop can keep them.

Already, of course, if you do not move out of this situation, having become fed up from hunger.

Will there be? Their developing countries called, of course, already fed up with the from hunger. In the developed world, however, grossly wasted. The majority of the United States average citizens, for example the one hand, much more food is consumed, the optimal quantity was healthy (and you'll have a natural as desired luxury quality Not to mention), on the other hand - often also quite expensive medical help is making use of - significant amounts of money for various cures and trainings, trying to get rid of excess pounds with consumption picked up. The situation is similar in Europe, but - Here Now pay attention! - China is already increasing concern of over-consumption. There is otherwise a gigantic human experiment run-GMO case, since the average Beijing citizen table is almost exclusively GM soy.

But the basic problem is the same. Sword of Damocles over our heads. In the developed world it is too well-fed to the poorer regions in the shrinking global village land mass communication, courtesy of seeing what a waste going to the welfare countries.   
Meanwhile, residents of what, for production tools, materials and knowledge-rich areas we try to get stronger védvonalakat build up rather than a substantive response to the ever tensive

question: what if the next, now truly continent-scale migrations and the sole reason to get off because the land populated places now have nothing to eat?

No flour, sugar, salt and water.


Fasting order
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) food point of view, according Thirty-seven countries have critical condition, that requires a large amount of food aid on a permanent basis.
The International Food Policy Research Institute global éhségindexén however, nearly one hundred countries in five categories of famine.
Extreme famine in Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Eritrea, Haiti, Burundi.
DANGEROUS LEVEL famine in India, Nepal, Vietnam, Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan, Niger, Madagascar, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, Angola, Burkina Faso, Togo, Liberia, Central African Republic, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau, Bangladesh East Timor, Comoros.
Serious food shortages Guatemala, Bolivia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Malawi, Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Mauritania.
MODERATE LEVEL famine Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Morocco, Gabon, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, China, Syria, Thailand, South Africa.
LOW LEVEL famine: Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Egypt, Tunisia Libya, Algeria, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia. 

2015. augusztus 2., vasárnap

Végtelenül szomorú vagyok......

Végtelenül szomorú vagyok...... - I am infinitely sad

Látom a menekült családokat, gyerekeket és vérzik a szívem.
Mindenki ott szeret élni, ahol született, ahol ismeri a nyelvet, a szokásokat, a kultúrát. Ezek a gyerekek, olyan helyre születtek, ahol az erőszak, a háború a törvény. Ez ellen az egész világnak fel kell lépnie, hogy vége legyen az erőszaknak, a gyengébbnek vélt országok kirablásának! Még nem tartunk itt sajnos! :( - -

I see the refugee families, children, and my heart is bleeding.
Everyone likes to live there, where he was born, where knowledge of the language, customs and culture. These children, born in a place where violence and war law. This goes against the whole world must take action to end the violence, the depletion of the perceived weaker countries! Speaking of which, unfortunately, we have not! :(

Ezért arra kérlek, segíts azoknak a gyerekeknek, akik az erőszak és az folytonos életveszély miatt kénytelenek voltak elhagyni saját hazájukat. --- Therefore, I ask you to help those children who were forced to leave their homeland because of the continuous violence and threat to life.

- Pénzadományok:
K & H Bank Zrt. HU26 10400140-00026699-00000006

- Cash donations:

K & H Bank Zrt. HU26 10400140-00026699-00000006


„Aki könyörül a nincstelenen, az Úrnak ad kölcsön, mert ő megtéríti jótéteményét.” (Példabeszédek Könyve 19:17) -- "He will have mercy on the have-nots, lends to the Lord, for he hath given will be reimbursed." (Proverbs 19:17)

2015. augusztus 1., szombat

Mit jelent nekünk a háború?

Mi jár a fejemben?
Mit jelent nekünk a háború? Híreket! 

Bemondja a TV-ben a Híradó vagy a rádióban a Hírekben halljuk, hogy itt és itt robbantottak, lőttek, kivégeztek ennyi - annyi Embert. :( Nekünk ez "csak" egy hír! 
Míg nem eljön mindenkinek az életében a pillanat, amikor ez már, több mint hír! Így voltam én ezzel az elmúlt augusztusig. Amikor Baghdad​ban harok voltak és én az egyik kedves fiatal zenész barátommal nem tudtam kapcsolatot létesíteni. Vártam, vártam és rettegtem, rettegtem. Egészen 48 órán át, amikor kaptam a Barátomtól egy sms-t, amelyben értesít, hogy mely csatornán érhetem el! 
Akkor, abban a 48 órában lett nekem véres, húsba vágó, borzalom az erőszak, a háború. Többé soha nem lesz már Nekem "csak" hír a háborús iszonyat! :'(

What's on my mind?
What does it mean for us in the war? News! Announce the news on TV or on the radio to hear the news that exploded here and here, fired, executed so many - so many people. :( For us it's "only" a rumor!  

While not the moment comes everyone's life when it's been more than news! So I was this past August. When there were three in Baghdad and one of my dear friends are not young musicians I could link established. I waited, waited and terrified, terrified. Up to 48 hours when I got from my friend a text message, which tell you that which I access channel! 
So, that was 48 hours for me bloody, meat cutters and horror of the violence, war will never be me anymore "just" war on terror news: '(

2015. július 22., szerda


The words of Jesus: "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head". We can be happy about what they are, and not who help those who need help "

Account number: Oltalom Charity Society, K & H 10400140-00026699-00000006, these 'refugees' on the donation could be offered. Szegedi Osztrovszky street during school number 1 also receives weekdays between 8:00 and 16:00 o'clock donations.

Szegedi ward Bokor u. No. 5 center during the food preparation is made available to civilians. The incoming donations to support organizations engaged in humanitarian activities turn of Szeged, Szeged and surrounding areas, and civilians.

It remains necessary:
polyphonic, insulating foil, a flashlight, matches, sugar, disinfectant tablets, antipyretic, charcoal, baby formula, baby food, nappy wipes, nappy cream, diapers, long-life milk, Nescafe, juice, apples, bögrés soup, crackers, cake, jam, party liter mineral water, painting, color pencil, hand mirror, toothpaste, toothbrush, small flakonos shampoo, bandages, Fenistil gel, prior to insect bites spray, Bepanthen cream, strip clips, sanitary pads, skin disinfectant spray, Betadine, antivakarin cream, lunch bag, handle bag disposable plastic cups, Small rugs, small towels, girl panties, boy shorts, children's summer hats, ice, cooler bags, disposable gloves, soap, hair gum, hair clips, disinfectants (Domestos, florasept, hypo), toilet paper, disposable razor ( female, male), shaving cream, socks, poultry sausage, instant tea.

 In Budapest, VIII. Danko u. Religious center under numbers 11 and higher education institutions, the John Wesley Theological College reception desk, seven days a week 24 hours a day, we are ready to accept donations. Not too spacious storage possibilities (time break of the education classrooms as well) for donors and NGOs also provided the cooperating willingly.

Information on phone +3670 459-3681 +3670 372-5936 and numbers can be requested.

We are counting on your support and encouragement for further cooperation.


Jézus szavaira: "a rókáknak barlangjuk van, és az égi madaraknak fészkük, de az Emberfiának nincs hová fejét lehajtania. Boldogok lehetünk, hogy mi azok vagyunk, akik segítenek és nem azok, akik segítségre szorulnak"
Számlaszámunk: Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület, K&H 10400140-00026699-00000006, ezen „menekültek” jelzéssel lehet felajánlani pénzadományt. Szegedi Osztrovszky utca 1. szám alatti iskolánk is fogad hétköznap 8.00 és 16.00 óra között adományokat.

Szegedi egyházközségünk Bokor u. 5. szám alatti központját is az étel-előkészítő civilek rendelkezésére bocsátottuk. Az ide beérkező adományokat is a szegedi és Szeged környéki területeken humanitárius tevékenységet végző szervek és civilek támogatására fordítjuk.

Továbbra is szükséges:
polifóm, izolációs fólia, zseblámpa, gyufa, cukor, fertőtlenítő tabletta, lázcsillapító, orvosi szén, baba tápszer, bébiétel, popsi törlőkendő, popsikrém, pelenka, tartós tej, nescafé, gyümölcslé, alma, bögrés leves, keksz, piskóta, lekvár, fél literes szénsavmentes ásványvíz, kifestő, színes ceruza, kézi tükör, fogkrém, fogkefe, kis flakonos sampon, sebtapasz, Fenistil gél, rovarcsípést megelőző spray, Bepanthen krém, fásli kapoccsal, intimbetét, bőrfertőtlenítő spray, Betadin, antivakarin krém, uzsonnás zacskó, füles szatyor, eldobható műanyag pohár, kismérető plédek, kisméretű törölközők, lányka bugyik, fiú alsónadrág, gyermek nyári fejfedők, jégakku, hűtőtáska, egyszer használatos kesztyű, szappan, hajgumi, hajcsat, fertőtlenítő szerek (domestos, florasept, hypo) wc papír, eldobható borotva (női, férfi), borotvahab, zokni, szárnyas vagdalt, instant tea.

 A Budapest, VIII. Dankó u. 11. szám alatti egyházi központunk és felsőoktatási intézményünk, a Wesley János Lelkészképző Főiskola portáján , a hét minden napján napi 24 órában készek vagyunk fogadni adományokat. Nem túl tágas raktározási lehetőségeinket (az oktatási idő szünetében tantermeinket is) az adományozóknak, illetve az együttműködő civil szervezeteknek is készségesen biztosítjuk.

Telefonon információt a +3670 459-3681 és a +3670 372-5936 számokon lehet kérni.

Számítunk a további bátorító támogatásra és együttműködésre.

2015. július 18., szombat

"Yours is the only remains of what you give to others" - by Akos

“Tiéd csak az marad, amit másoknak adsz” - by Ákos
 A Budapest, VIII. Dankó u. 11. szám alatti egyházi központunk és felsőoktatási intézményünk, a Wesley János Lelkészképző Főiskola portáján , a hét minden napján napi 24 órában készek vagyunk fogadni adományokat. Nem túl tágas raktározási lehetőségeinket (az oktatási idő szünetében tantermeinket is) az adományozóknak, illetve az együttműködő civil szervezeteknek is készségesen biztosítjuk.

Az Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület és a vele több mint negyedszázada együttműködő egyház, a Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösség elkötelezett a menekültek emberséges ellátása mellett.
Számlaszámunk: Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület, K&H 10400140-00026699-0000006, ezen „menekültek” jelzéssel lehet felajánlani pénzadományt.

 Számítunk a további bátorító támogatásra és együttműködésre.

"Yours is the only remains of what you give to others" - by Akos
  In Budapest, VIII. Danko street. Religious center under number 11 and higher education institutions, the John Wesley Theological College reception desk, seven days a week 24 hours a day, we are ready to accept donations. Not too spacious storage possibilities (time break of the education classrooms as well) for donors and NGOs also provided the cooperating willingly.

Oltalom Charity Society and its more than quarter of a century cooperating church, the Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship is committed to the humane care of refugees.

Account number: Protected Designation of Charity Society, K & H 10400140-00026699-00000006, these 'refugees' on the donation could be offered.

We are counting on your support and encouragement for further cooperation. 

2015. július 17., péntek

Vége a Ramadannak==End of Ramadan

El kell mondanom, hogy nem tudok jól angolul. Ennek ellenére angolul is írom a blogot, egy oka van, szeretném, ha a világ olvasná az igazságot.

Vége a Ramadannak

Hogy mi a Ramadan?
Mi európaiak csak egy napot böjtölünk Húsvét előtt nagy pénteken, nem egy hónapot. Minden tiszteletem a Muszlim embereké akik egy hónapot böjtölnek.

Most gondoljunk bele Baghdadban az elmúlt egy hónapban +38 és +45 fok volt az átlag hőmérséklet. Ilyen forróságban egy korty vizet nem isznak estig, amíg a Nap le nem megy. Közben, béke sincs - maradjunk Baghdadban. Az ISIS nevű terror szervezet folyamatosan gyilkolja, kínozza, megfélemlíti a civil lakosságot. 

Baghdadban él több kedves ismerősöm, főként zenészek. Jó volna ki szabadítani őket a földi pokolból.


I have to say that I can not speak English well. In spite of this blog I write English well, there's a reason, I want the world to read the truth.
End of Ramadan

What is Ramadan?
We Europeans,  fast only one day on Good Friday before Easter, not a month. With all due respect to the Muslim people that fasting for a month.

Now think of into Baghdad in the past month was +38 and +45 degrees in the average temperature. Such heat can not drink a sip of water until night, till the sun be down. Meanwhile, there is no peace - stay Baghdad. The terrorist organization called ISIS constantly killing, torture, intimidation of the civilian population.

In Baghdad, is home to more dear friend of mine, especially musicians. It would be nice to free them from hell from on Earth. For the time being I do not know how, but running out of time, A. has two small children. M. is a brilliantly talented as the stars.