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A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: Dr. Jay Varma orgy parties. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: Dr. Jay Varma orgy parties. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése

2024. szeptember 21., szombat

Árpád Szakács: The Covid czar attended orgies and drug parties while locking down New York City (with video)

He could only do his job if he got high sometimes

He rented a hotel with his friends to attend sex orgies and hosted drug parties under a Wall Street bank during Covid. Dr. Jay Varma, who ordered a full lockdown in New York at the time.

New York City's former COVID czar was caught on a hidden camera boasting that he and his friends held drug-fueled sex parties in the middle of the pandemic while the city was under lockdown. He stated that New Yorkers “would have freaked out” if they had known at the time.

Dr. Jay Varma was the chief health advisor to then-Mayor Bill de Blasio and was tasked with “leading the pandemic response.” He was the one who ordered lockdowns, mask mandates, and other social distancing measures, as well as the regulations that prevented people from gathering, because according to science, this was the most effective way to combat the deadly virus.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jay Varma and his friends did not follow a single one of the regulations with which they terrorized the public.

In one hidden camera video recorded on August 14, Varma admitted that it would have been “really embarrassing” for the city if he had “been caught at non-socially distanced parties.”

In one recording, he talked about: “We once went to some underground dance party... underneath a Wall Street bank... We were all dancing, rolling joints, taking Molly [MDMA], and everyone was high. And I was so happy because I hadn’t done that in about a year and a half.” Dr. Jay Varma added, “But I looked around and thought, ‘Damn, if someone sees me, will they freak out? Because this wasn’t COVID-friendly.’”

As he put it: "I could only do this job for the city if I could blow off steam from time to time."

He also admitted that he rented a hotel room in the summer of 2020 with his wife and friends. “My wife and I, along with our friends, had one of those in August, that first summer. So we rented a hotel... we all took, you know... the Molly [MDMA], and there were eight or nine of us, but more like eight or ten in one room, and everyone was having a great time because everyone was so high.”

In one video, Varma boasted about his role at City Hall. He stated that he participated in the televised briefings on COVID measures and was among those who convinced Mayor de Blasio to enforce the mandatory vaccination.

Dr. Jay Varma also mentioned:

"I did all sorts of deviant, sexual things while, you know, I was on TV and such. People asked: Aren't you afraid? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? And I said: No, actually, I love being my authentic self."

As he put it, during this time...

"I had to operate a bit insidiously... because I was in charge of the COVID measures in the city."

Dr. Jay Varma did not, of course, voluntarily discuss his actions in public; rather, he bragged about his deeds during a confidential conversation. The hidden camera footage of this was made public on Thursday by conservative podcaster Steven Crowder in his show Mug Club.

The incident is causing a huge scandal, with the footage being shown by all major global media outlets. Just a few examples: here, here, and here.

As we've come to expect, there hasn't been a peep in Hungarian media about the secret lives of the political and medical elite during the strict lockdowns. Yet, there are Fidesz-related Judeo-Christian connections to the events of that time. Do you still remember when, in November 2020, József Szájer, the shining gem of the Reformed Church and the staunchest defender of Christian values, was caught attending homosexual orgies? When he got busted, he tried to escape through a drainpipe in Brussels.

Or who remembers the case of the great Christian Dr. János Szlávik? The main face of lockdowns and the vaccination campaign, during the deadliest period of the pandemic in February 2021, let his daughters go on vacation to Dubai, while at home he was urging everyone not to travel anywhere.

During the deadly pandemic, neither Dr. Jay Varma, a member of the medical elite, nor Dr. József Szájer, a representative of the political elite, were afraid. They both knew exactly that fear only needed to be imposed on society. Why? Mattias Desmet, one of the most famous psychologists of our time, wrote a book about this:

"Modern man is primarily held captive by fear. The fear that the manipulative machinery we call the media pours onto society daily. The human mind is most easily influenced and manipulated through fear."

People were coerced through fear into accepting forced vaccinations, freedom-restricting measures, and the forthcoming digital dictatorship, for which COVID served as a convenient pretext.

A new world is being built. The background of this is revealed in *COVID Roulette - The Globalist Takeover and the Great Reset*, a book by Thierry Baudet, one of the world's most prominent conservative politicians. Here are a few thoughts from the book's blurb:

"Can you imagine living in a world where every step you take is monitored, all your actions are tracked, and you're punished or rewarded with social credit points based on your behavior?"

"For dissenters, the sanctions vary widely, starting with the denial of certain services—such as not being allowed to board a bus or make purchases—and extending all the way to the realm of re-education camps."

"For example, in China, this is already the reality of everyday life, and now certain forces are doing everything they can to establish a similar system worldwide, which will bring about the darkest dictatorship in human history..."

"The plan has been in place for a long time, and its implementation has been completely accelerated by the events known as the COVID pandemic, which have crippled our lives. Moreover, some have specifically used COVID to achieve their goals; under the guise of public health, they are actually attempting to establish a totalitarian state."


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