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2024. június 5., szerda

Is the new pandemic on the way?

Arpad Szakacs: Is the new pandemic on the way? Dramatic turn at the WHO Assembly! (with video)Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been granted full authority over the health of the world's people!

The WHO, funded by vaccine manufacturers, can now declare a pandemic even in the case of suspicion, take action in animal health and environmental protection, introduce vaccination passports, and make decisions on virtually anything.

In the global information space, an increasing number of warning articles are appearing about the latest meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO), analyzing the latest unlawful action of globalists. Specifically, it is noted that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and his associates have unilaterally voted to amend the International Health Regulations (IHR), granting themselves full authority over global health control and decision-making.

When it became evident that an agreement on the pandemic treaty would be unsuccessful, unexpectedly, on the last Saturday night of the WHO Assembly, they brought up the amendments to the IHR and swiftly adopted them.

Here is the video, which is shown in the original article, I cannot place it here.

This is an unexpected turn of events, unprecedented in the history of the WHO, as they disregarded all prior consultations and protocols, and even violated their own most important regulation, which stipulates that "the proposed text of the amendment must be communicated to all Member States by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration."

Many are asking the question: What justifies this illegality, this urgency, and what are Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and his associates preparing for?

In Hungary, there is still a complete news blackout regarding the WHO Assembly. There has been no information released about the adoption of the IHR, and both right-wing and left-liberal media outlets are collectively withholding information about it. Yet there would be plenty to inform about, as the new WHO regulation will have more severe consequences for the Hungarian people than the tragic Trianon dictatum in 1920.

Regarding the IHR amendment, England has already indicated that it wants to decide on its own sovereign authority about the amendments to the IHR, leaving it to the new parliament after the elections to decide whether to accept the WHO's amended regulations.

The United States expressed its support and pleasure in a statement yesterday regarding the illegally adopted IHR provisions.

"Last weekend in Geneva, the United States delegation, led by Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, along with delegates from other WHO member countries, successfully adopted numerous amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), marking the most significant updates in nearly 20 years. These amendments include:

enhance transparency and the timeliness of information, and overall strengthen the global health security structure, while fully respecting the sovereignty of individual states;

improve access to health products so that prevention, preparedness, and response to pandemics are more equitable, regardless of where they originate;

and help identify and address critical gaps in health security capacities, including through the establishment of an implementation committee, to stop outbreaks before they threaten Americans and our security.

These developments ensure that the United States is better prepared for the next international health emergency and demonstrate that countries are capable of coming together to address global challenges, improving people's lives worldwide, and providing momentum for the conclusion of the pandemic agreement, which nations aim to finalize by May 2025. As the world's leading foreign aid provider, the United States' commitment to health and health security is unparalleled. The United States has pledged $700 million to the new Pandemic Fund and believes in its mission to provide additional long-term financing to strengthen the essential capacities of low- and middle-income countries.

However, in a detailed analysis, one of the world's leading scientists, Robert W. Malone, an American physician and biochemist, the developer of mRNA technology used in vaccines, pointed out that the statement prepared with the Orwellian dictionary is almost the opposite of the truth in almost every sentence. As he put it, there was no actual vote on the amendment of the IHR. He drew attention to the fact that the WHO also confirmed this: According to the WHO, this was achieved not by voting, but by "consensus" of the unelected insider conclave.

"Countries reached a consensus on amending the International Health Regulations last modified in 2005, including defining the concept of a 'public health emergency of international concern' and ensuring better access to financing and medical products for developing countries."- According to the WHO statement, 'countries' have agreed to conclude negotiations on the pandemic agreement 'at the latest' by the end of the year.

Malone emphasized that many representatives of WHO member states were not present in the room, and those who were there were encouraged to stay put, then suddenly the adoption of the IHR was announced without a vote. According to Malone, this was clearly the work of an insider clique who believe they are above the law, capable of anything, including trampling their own constitution underfoot.

Robert W. Malone pointed out:

"The hastily adopted IHR solidifies the Director-General's virtually unchecked authority and power to declare public health emergencies and pandemics according to their own definition, thereby initiating and directing the allocation of global resources, as well as a wide range of public health measures and guidelines."

As he put it: Tedros essentially has the power to do anything, he can restrict travel, impose lockdowns if he feels there is a threat of an epidemic, this is solely within his jurisdiction. However:

"Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus is not a doctor, not a trained public health or epidemiology expert, but an Ethiopian microbiologist, malaria researcher, and politician."

Robert W. Malone highlighted, among other things, that the amendment to the IHR requires member states to enforce censorship, meaning that if any opinion contradicts WHO recommendations, it must be considered misinformation and disinformation, which countries are obliged to act against. "We have already seen how doctors and scientists who disagreed with the Covid-19 narrative of the WHO were censored - the views of these doctors have since been proven to be true. Some of them, who applied protocols not recommended by the WHO, were even threatened with the revocation of their medical licenses or dismissed from their positions. How much worse will this censorship be if it is incorporated as a requirement into the International Health Regulations?" - pointed out the American scientist, referring to previous experiences.

Malone also emphasized that the requirement for "monitoring" does not specify what needs to be monitored regarding potential outbreaks, so the Director-General can interpret it at his discretion. As he put it: Article 5 defines a "One Health approach," which links human, animal, plant, and environmental health. This means that Tedros Gebrejesus also gains jurisdiction in these areas - Robert W. Malone pointed out. He added: Article 4 states:

"The Parties recognize that environmental, climate, social, anthropogenic [human-induced climate change], and economic factors increase the risk of pandemics and strive to identify these factors and take them into account in the development and implementation of relevant policies..."

This will mean," explained Malone, "that through the 'One Health' approach, the WHO will assert authority over every aspect of earthly life, gaining control over virtually everything.

Malone argues that even more alarming is the amendment to Article 35, which details requirements for "health documentation," including digital formats. The system of digital health documents is in line with the digital identity cards described by the World Economic Forum (WEF). According to the attached WEF table, in the future, people will need digital identity cards for the following:

⦿ Access to health insurance and medical treatment

⦿ Opening bank accounts and processing online transactions

⦿ Travel

⦿ Access to humanitarian services

⦿ Purchase and conduct business transactions

⦿ Engagement in social media

⦿ Taxation, voting, accessing government benefits

⦿Ownership of communication devices [such as mobile phones or computers].

Malone assessed all of these as follows:

"In other words, individuals will need digital ID cards to access virtually every aspect of civilized society. Every action we take using digital identifiers will be tracked and traceable. Stepping out of line could result in penalties such as freezing our bank accounts and credit cards — similar to what happened to Canadian truckers. Digital IDs represent a form of mass surveillance and totalitarian control. These digital identifiers are currently being pushed by the World Health Organization in collaboration with the European Union. This isn't a path to a safer world, but rather a road leading towards a technocratic-totalitarian hell."

The American scientist explained that to support decision-making, the IHR empowers the Director-General to appoint an "IHR roster of experts," an "expert advisory committee" selected from the "IHR roster of experts," and a "review committee." While the committees can make recommendations, the Director-General holds ultimate decision-making authority on all relevant matters — Robert W. Malone pointed out Gebrejeszusz's full authority. As he wrote, recent experiences suggest arguments favoring a reduction rather than an expansion of powers, as well as a more decentralized, multilateral model for managing global and regional public health risks and events.


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