Rendszeres olvasók

2023. július 9., vasárnap

Excerpt: Ukraine: How does the war change our lives as well? - József Horváth


Greetings, dear listeners. I am Rita Fekete, and the editor of the show is Rhodé Joób. With great respect, I welcome József Horváth, the security policy advisor of the Center for Fundamental Rights. Good day to you.


If we rewind time by a year and a half and imagine what would happen if the Western world, as it often does with other conflicts, turned away, closed its eyes, and didn't pay attention. It is likely that Ukraine would have fallen long ago. So, if we consider this scenario, and as you pointed out, we still don't know which way things will unfold, unfortunately, which scenario would be preferable for us?


Would it be more preferable or not?


Now, I think let's bring up what President Putin, prior to the escalation, mentioned to the African delegation who was trying to mediate between Ukraine and Russia. He is currently in St. Petersburg, and President Putin brings it up for the first time, and I think it's obvious that this is a theatrical aspect of communication, that the agreement with the Ukrainians was practically reached and signed last spring.


And here, on the Ukrainian side, there is an agreement that involves the 6 major powers. So the United States, China, Russia, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom guarantee Ukraine's sovereignty while accepting the representation of Russian interests, and we accept that it will be a neutral country and will not join NATO, etc. Now, if we pose this question.


Since then, practically 15 to 16 months have passed, and tens of thousands of soldiers have died on both sides. A significant part of Ukraine's infrastructure has been destroyed. According to the news, Ukraine is facing a daily struggle with a deficit of 120 billion euros in terms of its statehood.


The functioning of its economy is unsustainable without Western aid beyond the war. It is obvious then that we have to say that it would have been much better if the parties had accepted this agreement last year.


The Western, predominantly American strategists embarked on an enterprise that is such a...


Last year was no game, and now it is evident from the American side as well that, as we hear, they have given Ukraine until October. They are not satisfied with the military results compared to the invested money and supplied weapons. So, in the meantime, the Ukrainian people and society can forget for decades, even generations, that they can have a peaceful, normal, prosperous country of their own. So, this is a very sad situation. I believe that.


But it's not a cynical attitude to say that the West is expressing dissatisfaction and expecting more, even though sometimes one gets the feeling that, for example, in the context of this agreement, Ukraine could have made decisions. It has a decision-making position because this is a multi-player game.


But let's add to this that the biggest tragedy for Ukrainian society, in my opinion, is the fact that for over 30 years since gaining independence, Ukraine has not been able to cultivate a political elite that consists of politicians who are loyal to their own nation, rather than being loyal either to Russia or to the West.


To cultivate, nurture, and seat them in positions of power. So, it is evident that after gaining independence, Ukraine's people did not experience the kind of prosperity and happiness they had hoped for, given the presence of pro-Russian oligarchs and governments. Now, after the change in elite following the Maidan revolution, and I say this in strong quotation marks, this simply did not happen.


There is a kind of elite change happening, and new hungry oligarchs come to power, who now represent Western-friendly interests. And where, as you also mentioned, are the interests of the Ukrainian common people, the Ukrainian voters, the Ukrainian elderly, women, and children? Now, I don't want to be demagogic, but I still have to say that nobody cares about the interests of the ordinary people. So when the opposition leader now says that the lifestyles of the recruitment commanders in every military district should be investigated, well, for heaven's sake, after it was revealed that one of the recruiters bought a villa and a car in Spain for several million euros in cash, not to mention the fact that they believed it wasn't like that when the soldiers themselves revealed that you could buy your way out for ten thousand euros for six months if you have a wealthy family. So, this was known, but they only take action when a scandal breaks out. The Ukrainian intelligence services and law enforcement agencies don't go ahead because there is no expressed demand for it from the political elite. So, in reality, this is the greatest tragedy.


If Ukraine were to miraculously win this war, then we would see a sovereign, strong, free, independent state as our neighbor. As you also hinted, someone had to incur debt to such an extent to sell it to someone else. Obviously, we haven't even mentioned the reconstruction yet, which Ukraine is likely unable to finance on its own, so it would require external financing. Therefore, Ukraine will inevitably become beholden to someone now.


In essence, if we look at the fact that Ukraine's assets, including arable land, have been purchased from China to Saudi Arabia and even the United States, we can already see that it won't be Ukrainian farmers who will produce on those excellent arable lands, nor will they be working there.


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